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What's the best knot to use to fasten mono to spool?

The recommended knot for securing mono to a spool is the improved clinch knot. This knot is known for being secure, safe, and strong when used with mono or fluorocarbon lines. It is also easy to tie, making it a popular choice among anglers.

To tie the improved clinch knot, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Start by threading the end of your mono line through the eyelet of your fishing lure or hook.
  2. Create a tag end by pulling out 8 to 10 inches of line.
  3. Take the tag end and wrap it around the main line (the line going to your rod and reel) 6 to 8 times.
  4. After completing the wraps, pass the tag end through the loop that was created near the eyelet.
  5. Moisten the knot with water or saliva to lubricate it.
  6. Slowly pull on the tag end to tighten the knot, while also sliding the wraps towards the eyelet.
  7. Trim any excess tag end.

The number of wraps you make can vary depending on the weight of your line. Generally, lighter lines require more wraps for added security. However, it's always a good idea to test the knot's strength before heading out on your fishing trip.

Please note that the information provided is based on the video context of "The Easiest Fishing Knots of ALL TIME!" by Mike Iaconelli Fishing. If you have any further questions or need clarification, feel free to ask.

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The Easiest Fishing Knots of ALL TIME! by Mike Iaconelli Fishing and it has the highest strength performance rate of any knot out there okay so mono or fluorocarbon improve clinch great knot easy love it all right let's cut this one off real quick cut this off i'm going to show you how hard of a knot this is look i can barely look i'm getting a scissors and trying to cut it and look how hard it was to get it off but i was able to cut it all right now we're going to switch to the easiest strongest best performing knot i've ever tied for braided line super line right spider wire berkeley braid whatever brand you're using braid it line and braided line is different than mono or fluorocarbon it's a different material zero stretch super slick right so because braid super line is a different material we're going to use a different knot for this one and the easiest knot of all times to tie your lower bait on when you're using braid is the palomar knot the palomar knot and if you thought the improved clinch knot was easy where do you see the polymer and once again okay this big giant eyelet is going to be this is representation of our lure right this is the eyelet of our flipping hook of our frog of our swim jig of our top water right that's our split ring that's the connection point and this is going to be a representation of our braid

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    What's the best knot to use to fasten mono to spool?