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What are the best lures for early season stocked trout?

While my expertise is primarily in bass fishing, I can certainly share some insights that might help you with early season stocked trout as well. Many of the principles of lure selection can be somewhat similar across different types of freshwater fishing.

For early season stocked trout, you'll want to consider a few key types of lures:

  1. Spinners: These are very effective for trout because they create a lot of flash and vibration in the water. Trout are often attracted to the reflective light and movement, which mimics small baitfish. Brands like Rooster Tail and Mepps have a variety of spinners that work well in different water conditions.

  2. Spoons: Similar to spinners, spoons wobble and reflect light, which can entice trout. They are especially good in deeper or murkier water where their flash can stand out. Look for smaller sizes as stocked trout can sometimes be wary of larger presentations.

  3. Soft Plastics: Small worms or grubs can be very effective, especially if rigged on a light jig head. These can mimic aquatic larvae and worms which are natural prey for trout.

  4. Fly Patterns: If you're fly fishing, small nymphs and streamers can be very effective. Stocked trout haven't developed the wariness of wild trout and can often be caught on brightly colored and attractor pattern flies.

  5. Jerkbaits: Although more commonly used in bass fishing, a small, light jerkbait can be effective for trout as well, especially in clear water conditions where their erratic movement can trigger strikes from aggressive fish.

When fishing for stocked trout, especially in the early season when the water might still be cold, it’s important to keep your presentations slow and deliberate. Trout are often less active and less aggressive in colder water, so a slow, steady retrieve with occasional pauses can be more effective.

Remember, the key with stocked trout is often to attract their attention in environments where they are still acclimating. Bright colors and reflective lures can be particularly effective right after stocking events. Adjust your tactics based on the specific conditions and behavior of the trout in your local waters. Happy fishing!

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    What are the best lures for early season stocked trout?