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Are Mackinaw line shy?

Great question! Mackinaw, also known as Lake Trout, can indeed be line shy, especially in clear water conditions. This means they can be wary of fishing lines that are too visible. Here are a few tips to help you out:

  1. Use Fluorocarbon Leaders: Fluorocarbon is less visible underwater compared to other types of fishing line. It's a great choice for leaders when targeting line-shy fish like Mackinaw.

  2. Lighten Up Your Line: Using a lighter line can also help. However, be mindful of the strength you need based on the size of the fish you're targeting.

  3. Longer Leaders: Sometimes, a longer leader can make a difference. This keeps the bait or lure further away from the main line, reducing the chance of the fish spotting it.

  4. Natural Presentation: Ensure your bait or lure looks as natural as possible. This can help in fooling wary fish.

From the video context, it seems like the anglers are having success with different techniques and baits, which suggests that paying attention to the fish's behavior and adjusting your tactics accordingly can be very effective.

If you have any specific scenarios or additional details about your fishing conditions, feel free to share them! That way, I can provide more tailored advice. Happy fishing!

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    Are Mackinaw line shy?