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What's the best bait to use for trout?

In the context of targeting trout, especially when bass fishing, various baits can be highly effective depending on the conditions and the behavior of the trout in your specific fishery. From the video contexts provided, it's clear that trout-imitating swimbaits are a popular choice. These swimbaits can come in various sizes and colors, and they mimic the appearance and movement of actual trout, which can be irresistible to large predatory bass.

For instance, in clear water conditions, as mentioned in the TacticalBassin video, a light trout color or a ghost trout pattern can be particularly effective because it's visible to the fish without being too intrusive. The ghost trout pattern from TW (Tackle Warehouse, presumably) is highlighted as an exclusive and effective color for clear water fisheries.

In the summer, as mentioned in another TacticalBassin video, a trout imitator like the Spro BBZ-1 floater, which is a wake bait, can be very effective. Despite its larger joints and rattles, which might seem counterintuitive, it has a tight, fast action that can trigger aggressive strikes from bass.

When fishing for trout directly, as seen in the Wired2Fish video, using jigs and heavy baits that can quickly reach the depths where trout are holding can be key. These baits should be able to dart and dive, mimicking the erratic movement of baitfish, which can provoke a reaction strike from trout.

It's important to note that using live trout as bait, as discussed in the Milliken Fishing video, is illegal in many states. Always check local regulations before using live fish as bait. In places where it's legal, live trout can be a very effective bait for catching large predatory fish like bass, muskie, and catfish because it presents a natural and struggling meal that's hard for predators to resist.

Overall, when selecting bait for trout, consider the water clarity, the time of year, and the natural forage in the area. Trout-imitating swimbaits, jigs, and live bait (where legal) are all effective options. Always tailor your bait choice to the conditions and the behavior of the fish you're targeting.

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    What's the best bait to use for trout?