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Where can I catch sturgeon?

Sturgeon can be targeted in various locations across North America, but it's important to note that they are a protected species in many areas due to past overfishing and current conservation efforts. Based on the video context provided by Jon B. and Mike Iaconelli, it seems that certain rivers and lakes in Canada, such as those in New Brunswick, offer legal sturgeon fishing opportunities, especially for the shortnose sturgeon, as long as you're using barbless hooks and fishing after July 1st.

In the United States, sturgeon fishing is also popular in the Rainy River, which flows between Rainy Lake and Lake of the Woods, where conservation efforts have helped their populations rebound. When targeting sturgeon, it's common to look for deep holes or flats with strong current where these bottom feeders tend to forage. They are opportunistic feeders, so using baits like nightcrawlers, cut fish, or commercially prepared sturgeon baits can be effective.

Always remember to check the local regulations before you go fishing for sturgeon, as there may be specific seasons, gear restrictions, and catch-and-release only rules in place to protect these ancient fish. If you're planning a trip and need more specific locations or tips on techniques, feel free to ask, and I'd be happy to provide more tailored advice based on your destination.

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Fishing Canada's 1 of 1 River: An Original Film by Jon B. there's a sturgeon I can barely see it I believe that's a sturgeon possibly yeah it looks like this this could be a good spot ten foot that might be a little too deep let's sneak out and some shower stuff real quick I was a surgeon gone got him got him got him got him this feels big I don't know what it is oh my God it's a sturgeon it's a sturgeon we got a sturgeon oh my God let me get to the front oh my God it's starting it's officially been after oh my God I gotta get the nut I gotta get the net oh my God no way no way is this it could this be it oh my gosh in the nut we did it we caught ourselves a short nose sturgeon put another cab we absolutely grinded for this fish oh my gosh I can't believe it I cannot freaking believe it you have no idea I'm a tub of worms and 30 minutes away from going absolutely insane right now these sturgeon have really thrown me for a loop we finally have one of the Nets this is the fish that I was most excited to show you guys on this trip because it's a fish you cannot catch anywhere else on the East Coast for whatever reason it's banned to chase after these fish in the US but once you cross the border here in New Brunswick it's
Fishing Canada's 1 of 1 River: An Original Film by Jon B. totally fair game as long as you're using barbos Hooks and fishing after July first you can legally chase after this fish and catch them ladies and gentlemen I introduced to you the freaking short nose sturgeon this thing is so freaking cool take a gander at that that right there as the Fisheries been after somehow this fish posed to be even more of a challenge than the Muskie it's taking us two days to encounter one of these and bring them on the boats we finally have them I know this fish may seem crazy but these sturgeon are widespread throughout the United States there's very different types of them I've never personally caught a round nose or short nose I should say but this is my first one ever just take a look at this fish this fish doesn't have scales like most traditional species out there like a trout of some sort they're very very cool they've got sucker mouths Bottom Feeders they use those little barbles down there to feel and sense and detect bait on the bottom and these little white pointy things right along their spine and the sides of them is meant for defense so when they're little they can avoid prey very cool fish these sturgeon can get up to over freaking nine feet in length not the specific species but sturgeon in general and they're really cool they're gentle Giants and they're one of my
MONSTER STURGEON FISHING! by Mike Iaconelli Fishing but it's a really cool story because the sturgeon were fished down over harvested but they've put a lot of effort into bringing them back just as they have on the Rainy River yeah in between Rainy Lake and Lake of the Woods and they've come back big time Wow I can go out and catch a good number of big sturgeon giant sturgeon I'm talking four or five maybe even six foot a six footer on it and right through the hole all right going height all nice [Applause] all right we're here we made it we got we got on the ice got a little open water in the but what we've got here is kind of a cool spot it's a hard bottom big flat that the current hits pretty hard and it's a good feeding spot for pretty much all game fish all fish that are opportunistic feeders there's walleyes there's white bass there's sturgeon so that's why we're here we're gonna get set up we're gonna fish around and hopefully catch some walleyes move to some white bass or Sagar in the meantime and then as the Sun starts to get lower and we get closer to evening that's typically when the sturgeon start roaming around sniffing around and hopefully they suck up whatever we've got down there and game on yeah come on let's drill Molly SiC pick up winter outlet let me Dan I
Smallmouth Bass Fishing Experience on Sturgeon Bay by LakeForkGuy yeah it's being able to make a living in the outdoors as a professional angler as a videographer traveling around I've gotten to see some really cool things I get to get to do some really cool stuff it's really fun and one of the things that I've I've always wanted to do and I know some of you have wanted me to do this and I finally got the opportunity to go up go up north go where the brown fish let the nice woman and I just got it you know when you get to Sturgeon Bay one of the first things you see is that the water is clear now being from Texas I'm used to a little dingy water color maybe a greenish tint to it stained I guess a lot of people would say but when you go up there and when we got to the boat ramp it was immediately just like well I can see the bottom 10 feet and you can see fish swimming around that that's the amazing thing when you go to Sturgeon Bay you don't just go up there and see rocks and algae you see the brown beasts cruising around and it really is an experience that you cannot have on any other lake in this country it only happens there were these giant smallmouth swim around in herds I went up there to film the show you know we were filming the the fisherman's
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Fishing Canada's 1 of 1 River: An Original Film by Jon B. that's awesome good good freaking bite good fruit and fish good well we've done it we've got our first fish of the day knocked off nice 18 inch Smallmouth quality bass we're now up forever about 20 miles we are basically in Fredericton this is where we saw some pretty nice sturgeon jump and this is also where we caught three other good ones and I'm thinking we have a good shot here the water's a little dirty it's moving it's cranking these fish don't really rely on their site too much so I'm not worried about this change in water Clarity we've got some really good worms I'm thinking we catch one sturgeon here and then pick up the musky rods pick up the striper Rod see if we can go for an absolute Hail Mary we still have a lot of day left thankfully here in New Brunswick we're on Atlantic time so the sun doesn't really set until like 10 30. so we have plenty of freaking daylight we've got plenty of worms and we've got plenty of freaking confidence that's that's the key with fishing as long as you have confidence you're going to catch oh gosh starting got him sturgeon baby oh she just came undone that was a good one marvelous hooks that'll do it I wonder if I broke off damn that was a good fish no it didn't break off shoot oh there he is he just jumped

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    Where can I catch sturgeon?