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Any other suggestions that may perform better in early morning low light conditions? Currently using junebug colored yum dinger.

Great question! Early morning low light conditions can be a prime time for bass fishing, and while your junebug colored Yum Dinger is a solid choice, there are a few other baits you might want to consider to optimize your chances of success.

  1. Topwater Baits: Early morning is a fantastic time for topwater action. Baits like the Jitterbug mentioned in the "Don't Sleep On This Topwater When Night Fishing" video can be particularly effective. The Jitterbug creates a lot of surface disturbance, which can attract bass even in low light.

  2. Dark Colored Soft Plastics: Since you're already using a junebug color, you might also want to try other dark-colored soft plastics. For instance, the Black Blue Shadow Woolly Bug mentioned in the "HOW am I Going to Explain THIS ONE (Give Away)" video can be a great alternative. Dark colors silhouette well against the low light, making them easier for bass to spot.

  3. Spinnerbaits: These are excellent for low light conditions because they create a lot of flash and vibration. A chartreuse and white spinnerbait can be particularly effective. The flash from the blades and the contrasting colors can draw bass from a distance.

  4. Crankbaits: If you're fishing in slightly deeper water, a mid-depth diving crankbait like the Lavender Tiger Shad mentioned in the "Don't Sleep On This Topwater When Night Fishing" video can be a good choice. The color and action can provoke strikes from bass that are a bit deeper.

  5. Worms with Flake: As mentioned in the "Top 5 Baits for May Bass or a few more" video, having some variation in flake can be beneficial. The Green Pumpkin Sprinkle or Quartz Candy colors can be effective in clear water conditions, even in low light.

  6. Buzzbaits: These are another great topwater option for early morning. The noise and surface disturbance they create can trigger aggressive strikes from bass.

Remember, the key in low light conditions is to use baits that either create a lot of disturbance or have a strong silhouette. Experimenting with these options should give you a good idea of what the bass are responding to on any given day. Happy fishing!

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    Any other suggestions that may perform better in early morning low light conditions? Currently using junebug colored yum dinger.