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Where do you fish vampire fish?

Hey there! Great question about vampire fish. Based on the video context from Bass Fishing Productions, it seems like they are referring to a type of predatory fish known for their sharp teeth. In the aquarium trade, "vampire fish" often refers to species like the Payara (Hydrolycus scomberoides), which are known for their long, fang-like teeth.

In the wild, Payara can be found in freshwater rivers and streams in South America, particularly in the Amazon Basin. They thrive in fast-moving waters where they can hunt smaller fish. If you're looking to fish for these fascinating creatures, you'd likely need to travel to regions like Brazil, Venezuela, or Peru.

When targeting vampire fish, anglers often use techniques similar to those for other predatory fish. This includes using live bait or lures that mimic the movement of smaller fish. Strong, durable tackle is a must due to their sharp teeth and powerful strikes.

If you have any more specific questions or need further details, feel free to ask! Happy fishing!

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    Where do you fish vampire fish?