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Where do you find dragon fish?

Hey there! It sounds like you're interested in the "dragon fish" mentioned in Jon B.'s videos. Based on the context, it looks like Jon B. is referring to the Arapaima, also known as the "dragon fish" or "jungle dragon." These are massive, prehistoric fish that can be found in the wild, specifically in the Amazon Basin of South America.

Arapaima are known for their impressive size, often reaching lengths over 2 meters (about 6.5 feet) and weights exceeding 200 kilograms (over 440 pounds). They thrive in the slow-moving rivers, floodplain lakes, and swamps of the Amazon. One unique feature of the Arapaima is their ability to breathe air, which allows them to survive in oxygen-poor waters where other fish might struggle.

In the videos, Jon B. mentions fishing in remote locations like Bolivia and Brazil, which are prime habitats for these incredible fish. He also talks about the Arapaima's need to surface for air, which is a fascinating adaptation that helps them live in shallow lagoons and other areas with low oxygen levels.

If you’re planning a trip to catch these giants, make sure you’re prepared for a challenging and rewarding experience. These fish are known for their strength and stamina, so you'll need sturdy gear and a good strategy. Also, always check local regulations and guidelines to ensure sustainable and responsible fishing practices.

If you have any more questions or need further details, feel free to ask! Tight lines! 🎣

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Catching The Prehistoric "DRAGON FISH" by Jon B. be one of the days we just kind of chill and take it easy but mm-hm I'm speechless I love it water beauty that's water so warm what oh yeah a good point we actually went to the brush release it because we got a dolphin on our high-end tails right now and we don't want big beautiful peas to get even by a my pink dolphin it sounds so weird I can't believe I just said those two things but yeah there's dolphin and Amazon and they're hungry oh Jesus set the hook fish oh wow not even that big but there's just ferocious arowana no way oh my god it's an I wanna it's a pugilist fish always been looked he's good look get him get him no way this is sick oh my god you're I can believe I just caught this is what I'm saying in today's videos that we could catch so many different fish out you're fishing for peacocks this is a prime example of one I've always wanted to catch since I was a kid this is in our wanna not a very common fish to catch out here when fishing for peas but still a badass treat this is a kind of fish we've seen a fish tank okay I think he's ready to get back Thank You Ora wanna like The Creature from the Black Lagoon that's a bucket-list fish right there I can't believe knocked one off already
Catching The Prehistoric "DRAGON FISH" by Jon B. day one they don't get much bigger than that so I was a pretty decent one hopefully catch some more oddball fish species throughout this trip for that one is especially cool oh oh my god this is a spook what you're supposed to like walk like this back and forth and back and forth but they want it in the most erratic motion on earth they want it like just skipped across the water like they don't care you guys oh come on come on boo a spot it calm your peas buddy another one little e next class after oh look he's been caught before what is this Fork that's what I probably ribeaux go give God everything come on oh it's got a hump I think madam arigato male male the hump let male yeah I'm not sure if you guys can really see that but it's kind of really light almost like a turquoise blue fin on the top of that tail fin right there is blue all the bottom is red I think it's a male too judging from the hump it's a kind of fleshy it looks bony but it's like fleshy he's just so crazy man you're like not from this planet the afternoons we came out to be little bit better than the morning definitely some good stuff so you know pink dolphin a street screaming right now it's trying to get our Peas so we're gonna put them
Exploring UNTOUCHED Waters For The Jungle Dragon by Jon B. oh my gosh walk this fish out come on little girl yeah we did it a from bed ridden to in the water with an Aima unbelievable so cool Scott and I had literally no idea what this trip was going to entail when we signed up for it we thought you know maybe it's going to be one of those things things where we get a couple opportunities today or maybe a couple opportunities just for the whole week and this uh this place is proven itself and Brun on Ricky's operation is just I mean this is nuts this is just so crazy there's thousands and thousands of those beasts in here and it's really the primary fish species like you know a lot of times Big Air pimas will be in tiny ponds in Brazil and they'll be mixed in with fish but arima are the rulers of this domain and we're very privileged to get a chance to feel their true wrath and power and by the way it's only 7:30 so we have so much of the day left it's incredible thank you man bloody i' like I'd like to say that that aine Mel SLA me in the face and gave me a bloody that's what happened you oh we weren't recording for that yeah was I think it was his head actually yeah I was out Knox got out luckily Caleb put the camera aside
Chasing Ferocious Jungle Giants In Tropical Ponds by Jon B. him like an absolute dance there's some big fish in there you just have to sift through some of the little ones and kind of get through some of the Dead water that was a big peacock that would have been such a nice catch they're around though they are definitely around yeah oh he's still he's still on him it's a tri hero yeah a little one he's got it oh no dude look at that thing this is the one we caught in Brazil because look at the stripes completely different fish this is a triara not a Trier route which we've been targeting this whole trip this is actually the same wolf fish species that me and John were targeting when we were in Brazil together the first couple trips these guys don't get bigger than a few pounds but they're still very aggressive and that guy chased the top water from quite a ways away good bait that one yeah we use these as arapaima Bay so now I don't know if it's a good bait because we didn't catch any but I'll see you guys use them yeah that's what they say pretty cool fish oh I got two troubles I'm still missing fish oh my God my drag's so loose my drag is so loose my drag is so loose drag was so loose thankfully she just clapped it was outrageous oh my gosh there we go
Exploring UNTOUCHED Waters For The Jungle Dragon by Jon B. to be the fish of my dreams I him it's those those turkeys what is it uh Peru is called Toyo hug it's huge as peric used to say somehow we made it after a 7-hour highway from Hell Tour from where we landed to where we're at now which is basically Bolivia and Bolivia we've arrived safe and sound this is probably one of the most remote fishing Journeys I've ever done done something very similar in the past in Africa when we fish mzm Beek uh in Zambia and Namibia but this is the first time I've ever done a remote trip in South America and a lot of we're getting ourselves into is basically the dark uh we have one goal in mind and that is to catch an absolute jungle giant a fish that you know I've always wanted to catch I've admired this species for years now even since I was a kid before I really even got into bass fishing I've always had a dream to be where I'm at now and attempt or at least have a shot at this absolute Behemoth I mean arguably one of the biggest freshwater fish to ever live in the world we're staying on someone's farm and what's even more insane about the traveling of this trip is that where I'm staying at now isn't even the end of our journey tomorrow we have a 40-minute drive another 40-minute off-roading tour

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    Where do you find dragon fish?