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What is the best tackle for perch?

When it comes to perch fishing, it is recommended to use light tackle. This includes using small lures and light line. In the video, the angler mentions using three to four-pound test line for perch fishing, but also mentions using two-pound test line for a lighter approach. The key is to go light because perch are not very strong and don't have many places to go unless there are weeds or brush in the water. Light line allows your lure to behave the way you want it to and increases your chances of getting a bite.

In terms of specific tackle, the angler in the video mentions using a Bro bug spoon and a tungsten mud bug with a mayfly plastic on the back. These are examples of lures that can be effective for perch fishing. The angler also mentions using a treble hook at the bottom of the lure to create a double jointed action.

It's important to note that the specific tackle and techniques may vary depending on the fishing location and conditions. If you have any specific questions about perch fishing tackle, feel free to provide more details or ask for clarification.

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    What is the best tackle for perch?