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What colors of bait does perch prefer?

Based on the video context, there are a few colors of bait that are recommended for fishing perch. One of the recommended colors is green pumpkin red, especially if the water is a little bit dirty. This color combination can help attract perch in those conditions. Another color option is green pumpkin chartreuse, which is effective when there are perch in the area. The touch of yellow in this color can entice bites from perch and other perch-eating fish.

It's important to note that these color recommendations are based on the video context provided. If you have any specific questions about perch fishing or need further clarification, please let me know.

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Top 3 BAITS For MAY Bass Fishing! by Nathan Quince Fishing blue that's one of my favorite ones to go with i love a black and blue chatterbait with my second choice being a green pumpkin and it doesn't have to be just a straight green pumpkin i do have a straight green pumpkin and will fish just a plain green pumpkin that's probably one of my favorites but you can also do stuff like green pumpkin red if the water's a little bit dirty you can do this green pumpkin chartreuse if you know there's perch in the area this is an awesome one just that little bit of yellow in there can get you some bites with a lot of perch eating fish those are my go-to colors and then if you have some dirtier water or you know your fish feed on shad my other two favorites are going to be a solid white and a white and chartreuse the white and chartreuse i will only go to if that water is really stained and the fish are feeding a hundred percent on shad other than that if i just have some stained water and want to throw something a little bit brighter or i know they're feeding on shad i'll go with the plain white that one works a lot better for me has the silver blade it really mimics those shad but 95 of the time i will be throwing black and blue or green pumpkin or i will have both on those imitate bluegills better
Fishing Hacks: The BEST Crankbait Colors (EXPLAINED) by Wheeler Fishing that when I still feel like the fish or eating bluegill a perch that is a crank bed that I'm going to throw you can have a lot of different crank bait colors you can have so there's so many different ones out there but at the end of the day you can weigh throw one at a time and and you're trying to use each and every day an idea give you an idea and a little bit of information on what you need to throw biggest tip I can tell you listen to the fish see how they're eating the profile that crank bait switch it up according and just you got to experiment with it but hopefully these tips of what I do help you guys out next time you're on the water
BEST WAY TO SELECT A COLOR WHEN FISHING! by Mike Iaconelli Fishing great time to look around and explore and see what the bass are eating if you're walking at the bank if you're at the boat ramp look around look at the color of the bluegill turn some rocks over kick over some rocks see if you see crawfish look at the color of the shad and the minnows if you see a dead one laying grab it and look at it all so before you even get to the fishery use the Google machine and research what kind of forage base that particular body of water has that should be the number one reason you pick forage you know for me I can basically break it down into three color categories to match forage you know the first one is bait fish you know a natural shad herring minnow style bait fish and a lot of those baitfish if you look at them they're white they're pearl their silvery some are a little translucent and we have that in hard lures we have it in soft lures look at that pearl colored soft stick bait we have it of course in jerk baits we have it in spinner baits right your shad minnow soft braid forage kind of imitators that's your first natural hatch match the second one are the bluegill and the perch species and then there's a lot of variation all throughout the country and throughout the world and those colors
The 3 Best Fall Bass Fishing Baits You NEED TO THROW! by Nathan Quince Fishing that has the most natural look in a clear water scenario and then if you're fishing stained water on the opposite end of the spectrum that's when i'll go to a bone colored jerkbait that's what will perform the best in that color of water just that solid white color or any other opaque color puts off the best flash in that dirtier water and that'll give you the best chance of catching a fish on a jerkbait in dirty water if you have perch in your lake the one color that i really really like to throw is actually the rapala shadow wrap deep in this metallic perch color here this color right here is the best perch mimicking color i have found on the market megabass makes some good ones as well but for some reason that little bit of shine and the natural colors in the lines on this bait just perform really really well when you're fishing around fish that are eating perch and lastly if you have smallmouth in your lake you want to have some form of chartreuse in your jerkbait whether it's like a chartreuse line like that or the belly of the beta chartreuse like this one here that little bit of yellow pop it works in dirty water as well but especially around smallmouth bass the chartreuse really gets them fired up and you'll catch a lot more fish if you just have a touch of chartreuse in your
The 5 BEST Lipless Crankbait Colors by Nathan Quince Fishing favorites especially if there's a lot of bluegill in the pond this is the color to go to especially even if you're fishing around perch lakes that have perch they all live in the grass just like the bass that's what they're feeding on so I'm gonna throw this chartreuse color specifically this muted down one but you can throw this brighter one as well anytime a fishing around a pond dirty water cloudy conditions anywhere there's bluegill or perch as the main forage I'm gonna be throwing the chartreuse color in the springtime let's get in to number 5 which is my secret lipless crankbait color alright guys so this is number five it's the secret one I've been wanting to show you guys this to throw it a whole lot anytime it's a sunny day clear water even in dirty water this will work because of the way this color is set up it is a very specific color it's not like the other ones I said chartreuse red orange this is going to be the copper shiner from booyah one knockers or hard knockers specifically this color for one reason it is gold and chrome at the same time it's half gold half chrome it still has that really natural black back olive green copper color just like a shadow or a shiner or anything like that but it's half gold and half chrome so even dirty water cloudy day cloudy
Fishing Hacks: The BEST Crankbait Colors (EXPLAINED) by Wheeler Fishing know a little bit of pearlescent top a little white on the side one thing that people don't realize is sometimes with the shad change to a white hue when the water stains up so a lot of times I'll actually throw a white color crankbait like this one right here just go shad or penguin when the water is dirty because that really resembles the shad even better than maybe a chartreuse blue now if the waters really really dirty that's what I'm gonna pick up I guess chartreuse Brown even like in the post spawn or something like that you worried I feel like that's what you can really see it but normally you're gonna pick your crankbait according to the four so if it's you know you're up north and the fish are feeding on on perch there's a lot of person Lake I'm going to have a perch colored crankbait you know I might throw in you know maybe like a natural color like this one this is going to be you know this is like the live River shad color and this is gonna be a color that resembles multiple therefore things you could resemble a perch it could resemble a shad it could resemble multiple different kinds of bait fish little minnow because it's sort of like a muted tint so like this is gonna work a lot of different circumstances so one thing that I always pay attention to is

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    What colors of bait does perch prefer?