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What area of a lake is best to catch white perch?

When targeting white perch, which are often referred to as white bass in some regions, the best areas to fish can vary depending on the time of year and the specific lake conditions. However, there are some general spots that tend to be productive:

  1. Points and Drop-offs: White perch often congregate around points that extend into the lake, especially where there is a sudden drop-off in depth. These structures provide a variety of depths for the fish to roam and hunt for baitfish.

  2. Spawning Areas: During the spawn, white perch will move into shallower areas. Look for places where they might stage before or after spawning, such as flats near a drop-off or channels that offer an easy transition from deep to shallow water.

  3. Schooling Behavior: White perch are known to school up, so if you find one, there are likely more in the area. Use your electronics to locate schools of fish, which can often be found roaming large areas, especially after the spawn.

  4. Timber and Cover: Standing timber, submerged brush, or rock piles can also attract white perch, as these structures provide cover for baitfish and ambushing opportunities for the perch.

  5. Windblown Shores: Wind can push baitfish towards certain areas of the lake, and white perch will often follow. Fishing on the windward side of the lake can be productive as the perch feed on the disoriented baitfish.

  6. Current and Inflows: Areas with current, such as near inflowing rivers or streams, can be hotspots for white perch as these areas bring in food and oxygenated water.

In the video context provided, it seems that the white bass were found roaming around a large point without much specific cover or drop-offs, which indicates they were likely in a post-spawn, feeding mode. This aligns with the general advice to look for areas where fish can freely roam and chase baitfish.

Remember to adjust your tactics based on the behavior of the fish and the conditions of the lake. If you're fishing a new body of water or unfamiliar with the current conditions, using tools like Fish Brain Pro, as mentioned in the video, can help you identify potential hotspots marked by other anglers. Always be prepared to reposition and adapt your strategy as white perch can be constantly on the move, especially in different seasons or weather conditions.

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    What area of a lake is best to catch white perch?