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What is the best tackle for perch in autumn?

Based on the video context, it seems like you're interested in perch fishing in the autumn season. Perch can be a great target during this time, as they tend to school up in big balls offshore. The bass will often hang out underneath these schools, ready to feed on anything that comes through.

To target perch during the fall, there are a few recommended tackle options you can consider. One popular choice is using a dropshot rig. This involves using a dropshot weight and a small hook with a plastic bait that mimics the perch or what they're feeding on. The weight can be adjusted depending on the depth you're fishing and the size of the perch school. The dropshot rig allows you to punch through the school of perch and get your bait down to where the bass are waiting.

Another effective technique is using a wacky rig. This involves hooking a soft plastic bait in the middle, creating a wacky action when retrieved. The wacky rig can be used to target the bass that are hanging out underneath the perch schools. It's important to use a heavier wacky rig setup to quickly get through the perch without them tearing up your bait.

In terms of specific tackle recommendations, it's always a good idea to have a variety of weights and hook sizes to match the conditions and the size of the perch you're targeting. The video mentions using a half-ounce weight for dropshotting through perch schools. For the wacky rig, a heavier football jig or a heavy dropshot setup can be effective for punching through the perch schools.

It's worth noting that the tackle recommendations provided are based on the video context and may vary depending on the specific fishing conditions and preferences. It's always a good idea to experiment with different tackle options and adjust accordingly based on your own experiences and the feedback you receive from the fish.

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    What is the best tackle for perch in autumn?