What lure should I use for beginner fishing at night in a lake for trout?
I'm fishing Jenks Lake in Southern California, are you familiar?
Do Berkeley Power Trout Worms float?
Spinning reel line for mountain trout: braid or fluorocarbon?
What are the best lures for early season stocked trout?
Do trout like colder water or warmer water? When are they more active related to time of day and temperature of water?
What's a good lure to trout fish at Lake Crawley this time of year (April 28th) while trolling?
What's the best bait to use for trout?
Which flies work best on a floating line for summer steelhead on the Deschutes River?
Which dry flies work best for summer steelhead on the Deschutes River?
Any tips for catching trout in the Sierras?
How to catch trout from a lake for survival?
Best setup to catch trout?