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How do I catch small fish?

Catching small fish, especially in a creek setting as shown in the "MICRO FISHING In a Small Creek!" video by 618 Fishing, can be a fun and rewarding experience. The method used in the video involves using a very small hook, comparable in size to a quarter, paired with a tiny bobber. The bait of choice was pieces of hotdog, cut into small bits with some of the skin left on to help it stay on the hook longer. This is important because small fish are adept at nibbling bait off the hook without getting caught.

When targeting small fish, it's essential to downsize your tackle. The smaller hook ensures that the tiny mouths of small fish can easily take the bait. The bobber serves as a bite indicator, allowing you to see when a fish is interested in your bait. It's also crucial to use small pieces of bait to match the size of the fish you're targeting. In the case of the video, hotdog pieces were effective, but other options like worms, bread, or specialized micro fishing baits can also work well.

Remember, the key is to keep everything small and light to match the quarry you're after. Light line, small hooks, and tiny baits are the trifecta for successful micro fishing. If you're new to this type of fishing, it might take a bit of practice to get used to the delicate bites and the finesse needed to hook and land these little fighters. Happy fishing!

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    How do I catch small fish?