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What is the best way to catch big bluegills?

Catching big bluegills can be a rewarding experience, and there are several effective methods to increase your chances of landing those larger fish. Based on the video context from Fishing with Nordbye, here are some detailed tips:

1. Use the Right Tackle

  • Small Hooks: Opt for a small hook, such as a 1/32-ounce jig hook. Smaller hooks are easier for bluegills to eat and less likely to spook them.
  • Weighted Bobber: A tiny, weighted bobber helps you cast farther and more accurately, especially when targeting specific spots where bluegills are schooling.
  • Light Line: Use light fishing line (4-6 lb test) to make your presentation more natural and less visible to the fish.

2. Bait Selection

  • Worms: Small pieces of worms are highly effective. Pinch off a tiny piece to match the size of the natural prey bluegills are used to eating.
  • Flies: Flies can be incredibly effective, especially when upsized slightly to attract bigger bluegills. Bluegills and crappie both love flies, making them versatile bait.
  • Swimbaits: Tiny swimbaits can also work well, particularly in ponds where bluegills are feeding on minnows.

3. Location and Movement

  • Shallow Flats and Weed Beds: Bluegills often hang out in shallow flats and around weed beds. These areas provide cover and are rich in food sources.
  • Move Around: Don't stay in one spot. If you're not catching big bluegills, move around the pond or lake to find where they're schooling. Once you find them, you can often catch several in the same area.
  • Muddy Water: Look for spots where muddy water is flowing into the pond. This can attract bluegills feeding on insects and other food items washed into the water.

4. Timing

  • Spring Season: Spring is a great time to catch big bluegills, especially before and during their spawning period. They are more active and easier to locate.
  • Warm Fronts: Warm fronts can increase fish activity. If a warm front is coming in, it might be a good time to head out and fish.

5. Presentation

  • Cast Accurately: Once you get a bite, cast back to the same spot. Bluegills often school together, so where there's one, there are likely more.
  • Depth Control: Adjust your depth to find where the bigger bluegills are hanging out. Sometimes they might be deeper than the smaller ones.

6. Patience and Persistence

  • Weed Through Smaller Fish: You might catch a lot of smaller bluegills before landing a big one. Be patient and keep fishing.
  • Consistent Casting: Keep casting and trying different spots until you find the big ones. Once you locate them, you can often catch several in a row.

By following these tips and adjusting based on the specific conditions of your fishing spot, you'll increase your chances of catching those big bluegills. Happy fishing! If you have any more specific questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask.

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SIMPLEST Way To Catch BIG BLUEGILL and SHELLCRACKER! (EASY TIPS) by Fishing with Nordbye but we're gonna keep so far we've caught a bunch of little ones a big bass and a decent bluegill on all on the tiny little hook so we're gonna keep a few bluegill to eat today and we're throwing the little ones back but one good one so far we're having to weed through the little ones i'm not showing you everyone i'm catching but this is such a easy way to catch a bunch of fish i'm going to show you the big ones but we're going to keep going here trying to get i don't know 10 or so to fillet up and get out of here this pond is just loaded with these little bluegill it's pretty awesome another one oh yeah little guy notice when you have a tiny piece of worm on that they don't even eat it you can just cast back out over and over and over missed him it's because they don't try to pick it off your hook when your hook's too big they try to pick the worm off when you got a little hook they just swallow the whole thing and they don't pull your worm off near as easy there's one right in front of spillway normally the big ones are hanging out there but not today not today there's one way out there try going deeper see if they're any bigger yeah they are awesome another keeper big old gill beautiful
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    What is the best way to catch big bluegills?