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How to catch bluegill during the winter?

During the winter, bluegill tend to gather in deep holes or near rock walls where bait fish are present. They become more predatory and feed on smaller bait fish. One effective method for catching bluegill during this time is vertical jigging with swim baits, blade baits, or spoons. These lures can be used with bass gear, but downsized versions are recommended for bluegill.

In the video by TacticalBassin, they use a quarter-ounce cast master and vertically jig it in about 25 feet of water. The post-frontal conditions make it tough for bass fishing, but it's a great opportunity to target big bluegill instead. The bluegill gather in large schools and feast on shed and other small bait fish throughout the winter.

In another video by Fishing with Nordbye, they mention the importance of moving around the pond or lake when fishing for bluegill. It's not enough to stay in one area, as you need to find where the fish are located. Once you find them, you can catch a bunch. They also mention using different lures such as flies or jigs in various colors to see what the bluegill are biting on that day.

It's important to note that the specific techniques and lures mentioned in the videos may vary depending on the location and conditions. It's always a good idea to observe the behavior of the bluegill in your area and adjust your fishing approach accordingly.

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    How to catch bluegill during the winter?