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Where do I go fishing for guppies?

While I specialize in bass fishing, I can certainly offer some advice on finding suitable locations for fishing smaller species like guppies, though it's important to note that guppies are typically found in aquariums rather than natural fishing environments. If you're interested in fishing for small fish in general, you might be looking for species like bluegills or sunfish, which are often found in similar environments where you might expect to find guppies in a natural setting.

For fishing small species in natural bodies of water, you can follow similar steps as you would for bass fishing, but focus on smaller ponds or streams which are often teeming with smaller fish species. Here are a few tips:

  1. Use Google Earth: As mentioned in the videos by The Bass University, Google Earth is a fantastic tool to scout for small ponds or streams in your area. These bodies of water are often overlooked and can be excellent places for fishing smaller species.

  2. Public Fishing Areas: Check your state's fisheries website or do a Google search for public fishing areas. These places are managed for fishing and are stocked with various species that can include smaller fish.

  3. Community Ponds: As highlighted in the video, many community or farm ponds, especially those in suburban or rural areas, can be great spots. These ponds often have a good population of small fish.

  4. Ask at Local Tackle Shops: Local anglers and tackle shops can be great resources for finding out where to fish for specific species. They can provide insights into which ponds, lakes, or streams have the best access and populations of smaller fish.

  5. Look for Structure and Vegetation: When you visit these potential fishing spots, look for areas with abundant aquatic vegetation and other structures like logs or rocks. These provide excellent cover and feeding areas for small fish.

Remember, the techniques and bait you'll use for smaller fish like bluegills will differ from those used in bass fishing. Light tackle, small hooks, and baits like worms or small jigs are more appropriate for these species.

If you're specifically interested in guppies and their natural habitats, I'd recommend checking with local aquariums or fish enthusiasts, as guppies are primarily tropical freshwater fish and not typically targeted by anglers. If there's anything more specific you'd like to know about fishing techniques for small pond species, feel free to ask!

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    Where do I go fishing for guppies?