FLAG170 #020 FROST
Grow Design WorksThe product is a swimbait with a soft body design that allows for flexible movements and easy control through the operation of the fishing reel. It has different actions depending on the retrieve speed, including slow, medium, and mixed retrieve, as well as panic action. It also has a simple hookset system and adjustable sink rate capabilities. The product comes with spare 3DEYE and hook hold assist brush pin. The length of the swimbait is 177mm, weight is 33g, and hook size is #1.
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Additional details
- Keywords
- productswimbaitsoft body designflexible movementseasy controloperationfishing reelactions dependingretrieve speed including slow mediummixed retrievepanic actionsimple hookset systemadjustable sink rate capabilitiesspare deyehook hold assist brush pinlengthmm weighthook size
- Category
- Soft Swimbaits - Fool fish with realistic soft swimbaits.
- Item 000953
- Updated
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