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The product is a swim bait with a soft body design that allows for flexible movements and easy control through the operation of the fishing reel. It has four different types of actions: slow retrieve, flag action, panic action, and mixed action. It has a hook holder slit to make hook setting simple and there is a hole for the nail sinker in the fin part of the body to adjust the sinking speed. The product is made in Japan and the package includes spare 3DEYE and hook hold assist brush pin. The overall size of the product is: LENGTH 177mm, WEIGHT 33g, HOOK SIZE #1.
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Ice Python
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Item NameFLAG170 #007 ICE PYTHON
Tackle MakerGrow Design Works
DescriptionThe product is a swim bait with a soft body design that allows for flexible movements and easy control through the operation of the fishing reel. It has four different types of actions: slow retrieve, flag action, panic action, and mixed ac...
Keywordsproductswim baitsoft body designflexible movementseasy controloperationfishing reeltypesactions slow retrieve flag action panic actionmixed actionhook holder slitmake hook setting simpleholenail sinkerfin partbodyadjustsinking speedmadejapanpackage includes spare deyehook hold assist brush pinsizelength mm weighthook size
Media Files1
CategorySoft Swimbaits - Fool fish with realistic soft swimbaits.
Item ID000957
AddedJune 13, 2023
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