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The product is a swimbait with a soft body design that can be controlled easily through the operation of the fishing reel. It has various actions such as I letter system action, flag action, panic action, and mixed action. The swimbait has a simple hookset system, and the hook position is fixed, making it easy to insert the hook along the slit. Users can also adjust the settling rate by using a nail sinker to correspond to the situation of the field, fish, or operation feeling of the angler. The product is made of soft lure material and is guaranteed for strength, but some damage may occur during use. The swimbait is made in Japan and is shipped overseas by DHL/EMS.
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LB Hasu
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Item NameFLAG170 #019 LB-HASU
Tackle MakerGrow Design Works
DescriptionThe product is a swimbait with a soft body design that can be controlled easily through the operation of the fishing reel. It has various actions such as I letter system action, flag action, panic action, and mixed action. The swimbait has ...
Keywordsproductswimbaitsoft body designcontrolled easilyoperationfishing reelactionsletter system action flag action panic actionmixed actionsimple hookset systemhook positionfixed makingeasyinserthookslit usersadjustsettling ratenail sinkercorrespondsituationfield fishoperation feelinganglermadesoft lure materialguaranteedstrengthdamageoccurjapanshipped overseasdhl ems
Media Files3
CategorySoft Swimbaits - Fool fish with realistic soft swimbaits.
Item ID000954
AddedJune 13, 2023
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