Bacca Burrito
Bull Shad SwimbaitsWanting a better swimbait to better effectively fish Mexico’s Lake Baccarac, the team from Swimbait Universe petitioned Burrito Bait Co. to build just the right bait for the job. The guys from Swimbait Universe headed down to the world famous Lake Baccarac Lodge with a handful of prototype baits and got to work. The results exceeded expectations with many giants caught, anchored by a 12lb monster taken within a week of testing.
Click on the link here to check out the Lake Baccarac Lodge Here!
Mike Bucca, owner of Bullshad Swimbaits and frequent guest of Lake Baccarac Lodge, linked up with Burrito Bait Co. noticing that the demand far exceeded what was being produced, with a solution to bring the Bacca to the masses! Now, the world over knows the Bacca Burrito as a fish catching machine and has resulted in some amazing catches!
Click on the link here to check out the Lake Baccarac Lodge Here!
6" Fast Sink5" Fast Sink6" Medium Sink
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- Keywords
- wantingswimbaiteffectively fish mexicolake baccaracteamswimbait universe petitioned burrito baitbuildbaitjobguysswimbait universe headedworld famous lake baccarac lodgehandfulprototype baitsworkresults exceeded expectationsgiants caught anchoredlb monsterweektesting clicklinkchecklake baccarac lodgewww lakebaccaraclodgemike bucca ownerbullshad swimbaitsfrequent guestlake baccarac lodge linkedburrito baitnoticingdemandexceededproducedsolutionbringbaccamassesworldbacca burritofish catching machineresultedamazing catches click
- Category
- Soft Swimbaits - Fool fish with realistic soft swimbaits.
- Item 000254
- Updated
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