Bull Gill Slow Sink
Bull Shad SwimbaitsThe Triton Mike Bucca's Bull Gill Slow Sinking Swimbait offers enhanced realism and a smooth-swimming action that is aimed at big bass. Completely handcrafted, the Triton Mike Bucca’s Bull Gill Slow Sinking Swimbait features four securely connected segments, which produce a fluid swimming action, accurately replicating the movements of bluegill and brim.
Engineered with a focus on large predators, the Triton Mike Bucca’s Bull Gill Slow Sinking Swimbait features heavy-duty components and swiveling hook hangers that give anglers the upper hand on trophy fish. In an effort to capture the unpolished look of native fish, the Triton Mike Bucca’s Bull Gill Slow Sinking Swimbait is covered in a raw finish and fitted with a tattered tail that enhances lifelike appeal.
Armed with two razor-sharp treble hooks, the Triton Mike Bucca’s Bull Gill Slow Sinking Swimbait extends Mike’s proven line of swimbaits even further with a naturalized bluegill imitation that will dupe the largest and most seasoned predators.
5 Inch6 Inch7 Inch
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- triton mike buccabull gill slow sinking swimbait offers enhanced realismsmooth swimming actionaimedbig bass completely handcraftedbull gill slow sinking swimbait featuressecurely connected segmentsproducefluid swimming action accurately replicatingmovementsbluegillbrim engineeredfocuslarge predatorsbull gill slow sinking swimbait features heavy duty componentsswiveling hook hangersgive anglersupper handtrophy fisheffortcaptureunpolishednative fishbull gill slow sinking swimbaitcoveredraw finishfittedtattered tailenhances lifelike appeal armedrazor sharp treble hooksbull gill slow sinking swimbait extends mikeproven lineswimbaitsnaturalized bluegill imitationdupelargestseasoned predators
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- Swimbaits - Get realistic swimbaits for better fishing.
- Item 000255
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