Bull Shad 2Knocker

Bull Shad Swimbaits
Back 5 years ago Dennis Shew of Tackle Tour fame asked me to make a knocker 6" Bull Shad just as a way to be different and offer the fisherman something unique in terms of custom swimbaits. Flash forward to late 2015, My good friend Jarred Seasor also approached me about making a knocker bait. Not having the time to do research due to working on the Bull Gill design, I put Jarred in charge of finding a knocker that would fit both of our specifications. One that is loud enough and one that is small enough to fit inside the head of a 6" Bull Shad.. After countless prototypes and knockers and rattles we found a supplier that would custom make our own knockers to our exact specifications. The first 6" knockers was made with one knocker inside of the head. It was loud but we wanted louder. So we suspended 2 knocker chambers inside the head hence the name 2Knockers. The custom made 2Knockers are suspended inside the head of the bait in a east/west position so that when the head shakes side to side and the knockers KNOCK on their own during the retrieve!!! I made the first few 6" 2Knockers and sent them to Jarred for him to test. Jarred is a great angler in his own right. I've known Jarred for several years now and there aren't many people that I have complete trust in to test and get feedback on the baits. Jarred had the hard task of "selling" me the 2Knocker concept as being something that would catch fish and do it well in tough and adverse conditions before I even consider making them for the public consumption. Jarred sent several baits to a few of his friends that had favorable success with the bait. One being Justin Seay.. Justin is a trophy angler like myself and quietly lives in Gilbert, AZ.. I didn't know Justin at the time, but he already had countless double digit fish to his credit. Justin's first day out with the 2 Knockers he describes as magical. He mentioned that he has never seen and caught so many swimbait fish in one trip in all of his years fishing in suburban Phoenix. Just on day one, Justin had over 20 swimbait fish and got a 10lb class fish and also caught 2 fish on one cast all on the 2 knocker Bull Shad and in water with 15ft + of water clarity.. I felt that the knocker concept would be great for stained and heavily stained water conditions, but I have also caught several fish on them in 8ft water clarity here in Georgia. There are several more promising stories about the 2 knocker baits, but I just wanted to share this unique one that stood out.. Available only in 6" Gizzard or Dirty Bone

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