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Best time of year for pike fishing?

The best time of year for pike fishing can vary depending on the location and specific conditions of the water you are fishing in. However, based on the video context provided, late fall seems to be a great time for pike fishing. The video mentions that warm weather extending into November can extend the fishing season, and the pike and muskies are actively feeding during this time. Additionally, the video "Big Pike LOVE Swimbaits!" by NDYakAngler mentions that it's a beautiful fall day in North Dakota and the angler is targeting pike.

Late fall is often considered a prime time for pike fishing because the water temperatures are cooling down, which triggers the pike to feed more aggressively before winter sets in. During this time, pike are actively searching for prey, such as perch or trout, to fatten up for the winter months.

It's important to note that pike fishing can also be productive during other seasons, such as spring and early summer, when the pike are spawning and actively feeding. However, late fall is often considered one of the best times to target pike due to their increased feeding activity and the opportunity to catch larger fish.

If you have any specific questions about pike fishing techniques, gear, or locations, feel free to ask!

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Big Pike LOVE Swimbaits! by NDYakAngler there's one oh yeah howdy everyone i'm back at it again it's a beautiful fall day here in north dakota got a little bit of a breeze and some cloud cover right now but that wind is supposed to die down and those clouds are supposed to thin out this afternoon should be a beautiful fall day for some kayak fishing so we're gonna head out here today and try to find some pike so today i figured i'd come out here and give this lake a try i was looking at the forecast and after today we get some snow and some ice making weather for as far as you can see in the extended forecast so this might be the last chance i get to hit some of these spots in the kayak before they get iced over and we're stuck fishing through a hole in the ice the rest of winter i'm sure we'll get a warm up here and there where i can still go and find an open stretch of river but once the lakes freeze up our spots to get out in the kayak are limited until spring so like i said we're gonna try for some pike out here today i've got my eight inch perch colored savage gear for play tied on it's really only two types of fish in this lake the predator pike and the prey perch so those big pike they like to eat a lot
SWIMBAIT FISHING FOR BASS | Beginner And Advanced | Baits, Gear, Rigging, Tricks! by TacticalBassin but that is the window that is your better time of year if i had to pick absolute peak times to catch a monster it's right at the fall to winter transition most of the country that's end of november very beginning of december there are so many double digits caught right then and then again coming out of winter going into the earliest of pre-spawn so we're going to call that in most places end of february to mid-march and then there's this little bonus period around the full moon in june that is also remarkable but that's when a lot of the true monsters get caught but that entire cooler season is big bait time you can catch them anywhere in there now as far as when to throw these a lot of people get that wrong i'll throw a swimbait all day every day but i love to throw swimbaits in the heat of the day if you are on a lake where they're eating trout and kokanee if you're a guy out west uh if you're a guy in the eastern mountains where they're stalking trout and anywhere in the middle if they eat trout middle of the day ten to two that's your window the reason why is that trout eaters are lazy fish the fish that eat trout they eat trout period they don't chase other things they eat trout 10 to 2 the sun is the highest these are ambush predators they'll sit
Fishing Big Swimbaits For Big Pike! by NDYakAngler and i gotta say i like it that's a beauty of a fish right there all right my hands are getting cold let's get her back in the water all right you guys it's about that time of day for me to paddle back up to my truck i think my least favorite part about this time of year is that the sun sets at about quarter to five it's 4 30 right now so i'm gonna get moving and get my gear put away while it's still light it's been an awesome day out here though like i said i did have to work for those fish i only got two bites today but they were both big bites and you know what anytime i can come out here with the water temperature in the mid 30s i kind of half expect to get skunked anyway so catch a couple nice pike that makes me a happy kayak fisherman so i enjoyed it i hope you guys did too thanks for coming along with me again i'll see you next time
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Spring Fishing For River Predators! by NDYakAngler [Applause] here's what we're after today northern pike and muskie maybe some walleye too if we're lucky well it's early spring I'm out here in North Dakota and we're gonna take the kayak out on the river today I'm excited I've got a lot loaded up and ready to go let's get out there and we'll see what we can catch it sure is pretty out here this time of year well I decided I'd limit myself to two rods so they have got one spinning rod and one casting rod the spinning rod I'll use in case I see any walleye out here the water is pretty clear so I'll be keeping an eye out for those little white tips on the walleye tails swimming on by me if I see any those all start throwing this one I've got a 8 ounce Kalin's google-eyed jig on there I don't know if you can hear that but it's got a little rattle in there with the 4 inch shark cruise Kalin's grub the casting rod will be my muskie and pike rod I figured we'd start out with the 360 GT search bait I've got a quarter own size this is the 6/8 medium power fast action st. croix legend tournament rod I'm running 14 pound mono on that today but I do have a steel leader on there to hopefully prevent any bite offs [Applause] there's one what do we got here first

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    Best time of year for pike fishing?