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What bait should I use to catch musky?

While the videos you've referenced are primarily focused on bass fishing tactics and baits, I can certainly provide some guidance on musky fishing as well. Musky, also known as muskellunge, are apex predators in their ecosystems and are known for their size and aggressive nature. They require larger and more robust baits compared to what you would typically use for bass.

For musky fishing, some of the most recommended types of baits include:

  1. Large Swimbaits: Swimbaits that are 8 inches or longer can be very effective for musky. These mimic the size and movement of the prey that musky are after.

  2. Bucktails: Bucktail spinners with large, flashy blades can attract musky from a distance. The vibration and flash are key triggers for these predators.

  3. Topwater Baits: Large topwater lures like prop baits or walk-the-dog style lures can provoke explosive strikes from musky, especially in the early morning or late evening.

  4. Jerkbaits: Oversized jerkbaits, both hard and soft, worked with a jerk-and-pause retrieve can entice musky to bite. The erratic action mimics injured fish.

  5. Bulldawg Lures: These are large, soft plastic lures that can be worked in a variety of ways and are known for their effectiveness in musky fishing.

Remember, when targeting musky, it's important to use a heavy-duty rod, strong braided line, and a quality leader to withstand their powerful bites and runs. Also, due to their size and the force of their strikes, a proper net and handling equipment are essential for a safe catch and release.

If you're looking for specific product recommendations or techniques tailored to the waters you're fishing, feel free to provide more details or ask additional questions!

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    What bait should I use to catch musky?