Matt Lures "Strong Shad Series"

Matt Lures
The Mattlures Strong Shad are the long awaited sister bait to my famous Hardgills. The design and actions are very similar and can be fished the same way you would fish a Hardgill. Each Strong shad is made with my super resin which I believe to be the most durable resin used in hard swimbaits. Stainless steel hardware is used in all the joints and line ties for superior strength and smooth swimming action. The Strong shad also come equipped with rotating hook hangers to prevent fish from throwing the bait when they jump. The 8.5in and the 7in have dual rotating hook hangers while the 6in has a rotating hook hanger in the front and the rear hook hanger is fixed. Each Strong Shad is hand painted from start to finish and some patterns may have over 30 individual steps and layers per bait and several coats of very durable, very glossy clear. The tails on the Strong shad are made of an extremely durable rubber and should never need to be replaced. The Strong Shad have a great thump that you and the fish can feel as you retrieve the bait. They are very versatile and can be fished many different ways. You can rip and twitch them, dead stick them ,burn them or swim them slow and steady, and everything else in between. They will also easily do a 180 with a sharp twitch. Each Strong Shad come equipped with extremely strong extra heavy split rings and high end premium treble hooks. The weights vary between the sink rates but they weigh about: 6in-1.25oz , 7in-2.35oz, 8.5in-4.25oz Six different colors: Strong Chrome Shad, Strong Silver Shad, Light Gizzard Shad, Dark Gizzard Shad, Light Threadfin Shad, Dark Threadfin Shad Three Sizes & Prices: 6 inch - $80, 7 inch - $95, 8.5 inch - $110 Five Sink Rates: Floating, Heavy floating, Super slow sink, Slow sink, Medium sink
FloatingSlow SinkMedium SinkSuper Slow SinkHeavy Floating

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    Matt Lures "Strong Shad Series" by Matt Lures - Swimbaits on