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Where in the lake do I find carps?

Hey there! Great question about finding carp in a lake. Based on the video context from LakeForkGuy, it seems like carp can be found in various parts of a lake, but there are a few key areas to focus on:

  1. Shallow, Rocky Areas: Carp often hang out in shallow, rocky areas, especially during the early morning. These spots are ideal for them to forage for food like algae and invertebrates.

  2. Brushy and Vegetated Zones: Carp are known to be in brushy areas and among vegetation. They tend to stir up the bottom while searching for food, which can disrupt the vegetation. This behavior is particularly noticeable during spawning seasons when they move into these areas to lay eggs.

  3. Man-Made Structures: Carp also frequent areas with man-made structures like tires and marinas. These structures provide shelter and food sources, making them attractive spots for carp.

  4. Sandy and Muddy Bottoms: Look for sandy or muddy bottoms where carp can easily root around for food. These areas are less likely to damage your gear if you're bowfishing.

  5. Near the Shoreline: Carp are often found close to the shoreline, especially in the warmer months. They come into the shallows to feed and spawn.

In summary, carp are quite versatile and can be found in various parts of a lake, but focusing on shallow, vegetated, and structured areas will increase your chances of locating them. Happy fishing, and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask!

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BowFishing Carp & Gar from LAND! by LakeForkGuy carp nutrients circle of life circle of life that's how we do it here at the tree house you guys know what to do thanks for tuning in I'll see you on the next one thank you

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