Dead throw special type, okappari swimbait. The swim bait "Radrabit" specializes in swimming from just below the water surface to 1m, where bites occur frequently and are traced the most. Pursuing the basic performance of a swimbait, "Let's chase and feed", the setting that allows extremely slow retrieve and the wobbling action that transmits the kickback of the tail action to the head, beautifully directs weak fish and unsuspecting fish. It is a swimbait for Okappari that can swim longer in the limited strike zone with a short trace line in a small field such as a wild pond, and ensures a bite chance. RADRABBIT LENGTH: 5.8inch Weight: 1.5oz class 2017.3 release. End of production April 1, 2022 Body form/desired flight distance and skipping ability. By bringing the center of gravity to the lower part of the head, the flight distance is extended with a stable flight attitude, and the body form that can be skipped into overhangs and deep between branches brings a big advantage to Okappari where the place to enter is limited. will give you core parts By concentrating the load on the weight-integrated resin core parts that fix the line eye and hook eye to lower the center of gravity, not only did the load on the body be reduced, but also the adoption of a soft material with good water bite that makes the action from the initial movement. They make it possible. Keel / stable range keeping power. The keels on both sides show a stable range keeping even with a slow retrieve that is easy to face downward by converting it into a force that directs the head upward by parrying it downward when it receives water. In addition, the large overhanging keel not only makes it easier to dodge obstacles, but also suppresses excessive rolls and creates a wobbling action even with slow retrieves, giving you more chances to bite. *The keel acts as a stabilizer even when a weight is added, such as adding a sinker tail The tight constricted tail and the tip of the tail facing inward are so good at biting the water that it reacts immediately to even the slightest water flow, and it takes action from the initial speed without time lag. It is easy to use in various situations such as vertical & curved fall with vertical structure, jerk & fall to visible bass, etc. , a tail that constantly moves and shakes the head. hook & wire guard Adopted "RYUGI pierce treble hook #2" that reliably hangs even a small short bite. It reduces the stress of picking up obstacles such as laydowns, gaps between reeds, and floating debris that cannot be avoided by visual inspection alone, and the wire guard with a wire diameter of Φ0.35mm that does not interfere with hooking expands the points that can be captured. * When using, please use it by spreading it in a V shape. HOOK: #2 SPLIT RING: #2 line eye Upper line eye: Slow retrieve 1m from just below the water surface. Lower line eye: It floats well and can be pulled on the surface with super slow retrieve. The color of the posted image may look slightly different from the actual product depending on the shooting environment and the computer or mobile phone carrier you are viewing. Please note.

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Additional details
dead throw special type okappari swimbaitswim bait radrabit specializesswimmingwater surfacebites occur frequentlytracedpursuingbasic performanceswimbaitchasefeedsettingextremely slow retrievewobbling actiontransmitskickbacktail actionhead beautifully directs weak fishunsuspecting fishokappariswim longerlimited strike zoneshort trace linesmall fieldwild pondensuresbite chance radrabbit length inch weight oz class release endproduction april body form desired flight distanceskipping abilitybringingcentergravitylower partheadflight distanceextendedstable flight attitudebody formskippedoverhangsdeepbranches bringsbig advantageplaceenterlimitedgivecore partsconcentratingloadweight integrated resin core partsfixline eyehook eyelowerbodyreducedadoptionsoft materialgood water bitemakesactioninitial movementmakekeel stable range keeping powerkeelssides showstable range keepingslow retrieveeasyface downwardconvertingforcedirectshead upwardparryingdownwardreceives wateradditionlarge overhanging keeleasierdodge obstaclessuppresses excessive rollscreatesslow retrieves givingchancesbitekeel actsstabilizerweightaddedaddingsinker tailtight constricted tailtiptail facinggoodbitingwaterreacts immediatelyslightest water flowtakes actioninitial speedtime lagsituationsvertical curved fallvertical structure jerk fallvisible basstailconstantly movesshakeshead hook wire guard adopted ryugi pierce treble hookreliably hangssmall short bitereducesstresspickingobstacleslaydowns gapsreedsfloating debrisavoidedvisual inspectionwire guardwire diametermminterferehooking expandspointscapturedspreadingshape hook split ring line eye upper line eye slow retrievewater surface lower line eyefloatspulledsurfacesuper slow retrievecolorposted imageslightlyactual product dependingshooting environmentcomputermobile phone carrierviewingnote
Soft Swimbaits - Fool fish with realistic soft swimbaits.
Item 000584
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