
DR-100ZX REEL In addition to power games using PE lines such as punching and frog games that drag the big bass hidden in the mat cover without taking any initiative, even 14lb to 25lb fluorocarbons do not produce drag, and the clutch work alone is enough to control the bass. Reel "DR-100ZX" equipped with an astonishing non-slip drag system that eliminates drag, which can be said to be an unnecessary function in a game style that interacts. It is a fully-tuned model with a high-rigidity, compact and lightweight housing, an ultra-super duralumin spool, etc. DR-100ZX (right) JAN code: 4544565001455 2013 release. DR-100ZXL (left) JAN code: 4544565001462 2013 release. DR-100ZX (right)/ZXL (left) ■Non-slip drag system ■Super high speed gear ratio 7.9:1 ■11 ball bearings ■Number of roller bearings 1 ■High speed level wind for PE line ■Extra super duralumin spool ■100mm power handle & EVA power light knob ■Weight 220g ■Standard winding thread Weight/16lb-100m, 20lb-80m, PE5-60m, PE6-50m ■Maximum winding length 89cm/handle 1 rotation NON SLIP DRAG SYSTEM A non-slip drag system that is the biggest feature of the DR100ZX. Punching, which is used with the drag fully locked, and drag, which is an unnecessary function in frog games, have been eliminated, so there is no power loss, and you can drag it out of heavy cover without giving any initiative to the big bass. Where the star drag was placed, machine cut parts are arranged for operability such as winding the line slug with one hand. HIGH SPEED LEVEL WIND - PE-LINE The PE line is also assumed for use, and the high speed level wind eliminates the bite of the PE line, greatly reducing troubles often seen in PE lines such as backlash. EXTRA SUPER DURALUMIN SPOOL The highly rigid and lightweight ultra-super duralumin spool reduces the line discharge load during casting, greatly contributing to accuracy accuracy and castability improvement for long cast performance. MAG DIAL & MECHANICAL BLAKE The mag dial and mechanical brake have been completely eliminated from non-slip processing such as easy-to-adjust knurls. A setting that is not easily disturbed by touching it unintentionally. 100mm POWER HANDLE & EVA POWER LIGHT KNOB A PCD 100mm power handle that can be conveyed and reeled in without missing power to drag the bass out of the heavy cover. In addition, the handle knob uses a non-slip EVA power light knob, and the ergonomically thickened round shape has a high grip and prevents it from slipping off the knob. *For black bass (freshwater) only. This product has a non-slip drag system (drag does not work at all), so it also has parts that can lead to line breaks, rod damage, reel damage, and user injury. Please understand in advance.
DR-100ZX (right)DR-100ZXL (left)

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Additional details
dr zx reeladditionpower gamespe linespunchingfrog gamesdragbig bass hiddenmat covertakinginitiativelblb fluorocarbonsproduce dragclutch workcontrolbass reel dr zx equippedastonishingslip drag systemeliminates dragunnecessary functiongame styleinteractsfully tuned modelhigh rigidity compactlightweight housingultra super duralumin spooldr zxjan code release dr zxl left jan code release dr zxzxl leftslip drag system super high speed gear ratio ball bearings numberroller bearings high speed level windpe line extra super duralumin spool mm power handle eva power light knob weightstandard winding thread weight lbpemaximum winding length cm handle rotationbiggest featuredr zx punchingdrag fully lockedeliminatedpower lossheavy covergivingbig bassstar dragmachine cut partsarrangedoperabilitywindingline slughand high speed level wind pe linepe lineassumedhigh speed level wind eliminatesbitepe line greatly reducing troublesbacklash extra super duralumin spoolhighly rigidlightweight ultra super duralumin spool reducesline discharge loadcasting greatly contributingaccuracy accuracycastability improvementlong cast performance mag dial mechanical blakemag dialmechanical brakecompletely eliminatedslip processingeasyadjust knurlssettingeasily disturbedtouchingunintentionally mm power handle eva power light knobpcd mm power handleconveyedreeledmissing powerbasshandle knobslip eva power light knobergonomically thickened round shapehigh grippreventsslippingknobblack bass freshwaterproductslip drag system dragworkpartsleadline breaks rod damage reel damageuser injuryunderstandadvance
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