Baldy 8" Glide Bait
Baldy BaitsOutfitted with stainless steel hook hangers, Size 1 Owner's 2X Stinger hooks, and Hyper Wire split rings.
Aproximate Specifications: Length 8", Weight 3.3 ounces, Slow Sink - approximately 1 foot / 3.0 - 5.0 seconds. (Sink rate is dependent on actual water conditions and line rigging).
Made in the USA
Slow Sink
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- Keywords
- outfittedstainless steel hook hangers size ownerstinger hookshyper wire split rings aproximate specifications length weight ounces slow sink approximately foot seconds sink ratedependentactual water conditionsline rigging madeusa
- Category
- Swimbaits - Get realistic swimbaits for better fishing.
- Item 000092
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