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Best time of year for walleye fishing?

The best time of year for walleye fishing can vary depending on the location and specific conditions. However, based on the video context and my experience as a bass fishing guide, I can provide some general insights.

In the fall, as the water temperature cools down, walleyes become more lethargic and less likely to chase after fast-moving baits. This is a good time to switch to a slower presentation, such as dragging a jig on the bottom. Wind blowing points, flats, and shorelines are often productive areas to target, as they concentrate plankton, baitfish, and walleyes. Using your electronics to locate fish is crucial, as they will show you where the fish are. Trust your electronics and pay attention to them.

In Minnesota, October is considered the best month for walleye fishing. The bass bite and panfish bite are also good during this time. Large schools of walleyes can be found, making them easy to locate. Using a big minnow as bait can yield great results, with some anglers reporting 30 to 50 fish days.

In the early ice period, walleye fishing can be excellent. Cold water temperatures make walleyes more active and hungry. Fishing during this time can result in a successful fish fry and provide a great meal for you and your friends. However, it's important to exercise caution and ensure that the ice is safe before venturing out.

Overall, the best time for walleye fishing can vary depending on the location and specific conditions. It's always a good idea to research local fishing reports, talk to other anglers, and consult with fishing guides in your area to get the most up-to-date and accurate information.

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    Best time of year for walleye fishing?