Match the smelt. "Wakasagi Bait" is an i-shaped lipless minnow with a unique body shape that allows baitfish to run away in a panic action. The floating model, which produces a beautiful undertow and shows a stable i-shaped action, has a high fish-collecting power that attracts bass even with dead sticking drifting on the surface of the water, but once the rod action is added, the baitfish is attacked by predators and panicked. It creates water ripples like this. In addition, the low resistance body that eliminates unevenness as much as possible and widens the dart width makes the bass jump out of the water with a panic action that will turn the bass' interest upward and bring it to the bite. Even with a sinking model that can aim under the surface of the water, this panic action will lead you to a bite with an unpredictable dirt action that makes baitfish escape. FLOATING model Length: 65mm body Weight: 3.5g 2020.8 release. SINKING model Length: 65mm body Weight: 4.3g 2020.8 release. BODY FORM The square body, which is small and slim but has a large capacity and makes it easy to set weights, not only provides sharp action with high buoyancy, but also contributes to outstanding long-distance casting performance and castability. The omitted scales and unevenness of the mold are suppressed, resulting in a low resistance body that greatly reduces water flow resistance and expands the range of dirt and skating. The floating model is printed on the back, and the sinking model is printed on the belly. TINSEL TAIL The role of the stabilizer is to suppress the unnatural shaking of the body, which gives a sense of discomfort due to the effects of water and wind, and bring about a sense of stability. In addition, the flickering and glittering tinsel tail, which is a fluorescent material that receives and reflects ultraviolet rays, is also an important factor that leads to a bite. *When the tinsel tail wears out, it may lose its original fishing ability, so it is recommended to replace it. Use your favorite tinsel for replacement. HOOK Adopted a swivel that follows the fierce fight of the big bass and greatly reduces cuts and hook offs. HOOK: #10 SPLIT RING: #2 ACTION ●Floating model It suppresses the unnatural shaking of the body, which is a factor that makes you lose sight while chasing to the tip of the nose, and increases the bite rate in i-shaped action and dead sticking. If you add shaking intermittently, it will reproduce the appearance of a baitfish making ripples and running away, attracting the interest of bass. Also, even if you pinpoint water ripples, you can create a baitfish that is suddenly chased by a fish eater and turn on the bass predation switch. ●Sinking model The sinking model, which can trace under the surface of the water with an i-shaped action, is useful in situations where it is difficult to reach the surface due to water temperature and wind. In addition, the dirt action that is good at it and the dead sticking that shakes only with the movement of the water at the bottom will effectively lead to a bite. ●Dart Action The low-resistance body that suppresses unevenness and the forward-slanting nose shape show irregular darts due to the rod action. In the floating model, the dart action that jumps out of the water surface with too much momentum, and in the sinking model, the forward tilting fall that makes it easy to dart, realistically reproduces the unpredictable escape action that baitfish can't follow with their eyes. , It makes it possible to capture according to bait and field. LINE Floating: PE0.6/Leader Fluoro 5lb (approximately 60cm recommended), Nylon 4lb Sinking: Fluoro 5lb *Recommended line setting. Please note that the characteristics of the line and the use of snaps will interfere with the original action.

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Additional details
matchsmelt wakasagi baitshaped lipless minnowunique body shapebaitfishrunpanic actionfloating modelproducesbeautiful undertowshowsstableshaped actionhigh fish collecting powerattracts bassdead sticking driftingsurfacewaterrod actionaddedattackedpredatorspanickedcreates water ripplesadditionlow resistance bodyeliminates unevennesswidensdart width makesbass jumpturnbass interest upwardbringbitesinking modelaimleadunpredictable dirt actionmakes baitfish escape floating model length mm body weightrelease sinking model length mm body weightrelease body formsquare bodysmallslimlarge capacitymakeseasyset weightssharp actionhigh buoyancycontributesoutstanding long distance casting performancecastabilityomitted scalesunevennessmoldsuppressed resultinggreatly reduces water flow resistanceexpandsrangedirtskatingprintedbackbelly tinsel tailrolestabilizersuppressunnatural shakingbodysensediscomfort dueeffectswindstabilityflickeringglittering tinsel tailfluorescent materialreceivesreflects ultraviolet raysimportant factorleadstinsel tail wearsloseoriginal fishing abilityrecommendedreplacefavorite tinselreplacement hook adoptedswivelfierce fightbig bassgreatly reduces cutshook offs hook split ring action floating modelsuppressesfactorlose sightchasingtipnoseincreasesbite ratedead stickingadd shaking intermittentlyreproduceappearancebaitfish making ripplesrunningattractinginterestbasspinpoint water ripplescreatesuddenly chasedfish eaterbass predation switch sinking modeltracesituationsdifficultreachsurface duewater temperaturedirt actiongoodshakesmovementbottomeffectively leadbite dart actionsuppresses unevennessforward slanting nose shape show irregular darts duedart actionjumpswater surfacemomentumforward tilting falldart realistically reproducesunpredictable escape actionfolloweyescapturebaitfield line floating pe leader fluoro lb approximately cm recommended nylon lb sinking fluoro lb recommended line settingnotecharacteristicslinesnapsinterfereoriginal action
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