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New for 2020, the double jointed version of the original Wade Hoggst is already accounting for catches of all sizes nationwide. Slow retrieves equal a slithering wake while speeding up gets this gill down subsurface for big bites on med-fast retrieves.
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Item NameWad3 Hoggs (3 Piece)
Tackle MakerToxic Baits
DescriptionNew for 2020, the double jointed version of the original Wade Hoggst is already accounting for catches of all sizes nationwide. Slow retrieves equal a slithering wake while speeding up gets this gill down subsurface for big bites on med-fas...
Keywordsdouble jointed versionoriginal wade hoggstaccountingcatchessizes nationwide slow retrieves equalslithering wakespeedinggillsubsurfacebig bitesmed fast retrieves
Media Files7
CategorySwimbaits - Get realistic swimbaits for better fishing.
Item ID000313
AddedFebruary 13, 2023
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