tubeworm revolution. The "Tube Ringer", which has evolved uniquely with a completely new form, has a variety of functions such as two arms that can be used as hook guards in jig head rigs, and when used in Texas rigs, they wriggle suspiciously when falling or landing on the bottom to invite bites. It is a new concept tube worm with By combining a hook guard with a low trajectory action that crawls on the bottom and a high stack avoidance ability unique to a tube jig head, it not only makes it more reliable to capture the gorota area and man-made structures, but also has good slip-through and body. The hollow body, which is compatible with water bite, also supports weed flips in tough conditions at a high level. The lively elasticity and high hook-up rate when the bass bites will demonstrate its true potential as a trump card bait that can bring in the sweet bite and short bite of a spooked big bass to the hook set. TUBE RINGER SIZE: 4.5 inch (6/pack) 2008.9 release WEED GUARD It functions as a powerful protector that can be attacked without hesitation even on reefs where there are many rootings due to stacks. TASTE & FLAVOR Contains crustacean ingredients that bass love most. Stimulates with taste and smell. Uses soft material with a salt content of 30%. SPIRAL FALL Spiral fall by jig head is a falling action unique to tube bait. It is highly effective against bass that hides tightly in vertical structures such as bridge piers and piles and does not respond to monotonous falling. irregular dirt The irregular and low trajectory escape action generated by moving the rod up and down quickly and shortly imitates the appearance of shrimps and gobies baitfish that live on the bottom and run away with a “pin-pin”. The ability to draw out the reaction reaction left at the end of the tough bass and make it bite is the last trump card that can produce results in low water temperature periods and tough situations due to human pressure. High stack avoidance rate The structure that wraps the hard head with soft worm material makes it difficult to get caught in obstacles, and by setting the tube ringer's unique arm as a weed guard at the hook point, its performance is further enhanced, and obstacles such as the gorota area and around bushes are improved. It is possible to attack without knowing the root. In this method, where many bites occur immediately after dodging obstacles, the amazing snagless performance of Tubulinger brings a big advantage. SOFT BOTTOM TOUCH Silent and soft bottom touch made possible by incorporating the head into the body. You can bring it to a part-time job without giving unnecessary vigilance to nervous bass under tough conditions. SPIKE HEAD "Spike head" is a tube jig head that makes the irregular and low trajectory escape action unique to tube jig heads that induce reaction bites more reliable. The shape with spike-shaped protrusions on the tip of the head holds the tube worm firmly from the inside, preventing even the tube worm with a thick head from cracking and popping out of the jig head. Also, if you set it to a tube ringer equipped with a weed guard function, it will play an active role as a tube jig head that can aim tight at obstacles. SPIKE HEAD INSERT SETTING for TUBERINGER ①.Insert the spike head from the back of the tube by matching the direction of the weed guard and the hook. ②.Insert the spike head to the tip of the tube and pierce it to fix it. ③. Push the body and let the line eye penetrate. ④.Pull out the hook so that the worm is straight. ⑤.Finish by straightening the worm and setting the hook on the weed guard. The color of the posted image may look slightly different from the actual product depending on the shooting environment and the computer or mobile phone carrier you are viewing. Please note. Even if the recommended hooks are the same size, the hook dimensions differ depending on the hook manufacturer, so please select according to the size and shape of the worm.

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tubeworm revolutiontube ringerevolved uniquelycompletelyformvarietyfunctionsarmshook guardsjig head rigstexas rigswriggle suspiciouslyfallinglandingbottominvite bitesconcept tube wormcombininghook guardlow trajectory actioncrawlshigh stack avoidance ability uniquetube jig headmakesreliablecapturegorota areaman made structuresgood slipbodyhollow bodycompatiblewater bitesupports weed flipstough conditionshigh levellively elasticityhigh hookratebass bitesdemonstratetrue potentialtrump card baitbringsweet biteshort bitespooked big basshook set tube ringer size inch pack release weed guardpowerful protectorattackedhesitationreefsrootings duestacks taste flavorcrustacean ingredientsbass lovestimulatestastesmellsoft materialsalt contentspiral fall spiral falljig headfalling action uniquetube baithighly effectivebasshides tightlyvertical structuresbridge pierspilesrespondmonotonous falling irregular dirtirregularlow trajectory escape action generatedmovingrodquicklyshortly imitatesappearanceshrimpsgobies baitfishliverunpin pinabilitydrawreaction reaction leftendtough bassmakebitetrump cardproduce resultslow water temperature periodstough situations duehuman pressure high stack avoidance ratestructurewrapshard headsoft worm material makesdifficultcaughtobstaclessettingunique armweed guardhook pointperformanceenhancedbushesimprovedattackknowingrootmethodbites occur immediatelydodging obstaclesamazing snagless performancetubulinger bringsbig advantage soft bottom touch silentsoft bottom touch madeincorporatingheadpart time jobgiving unnecessary vigilancenervous basstough conditions spike head spike headlow trajectory escape action uniquetube jig headsinduce reaction bitesshapespike shaped protrusionstiphead holdstube worm firmlyinside preventingtube wormthick headcrackingpoppingsettube ringer equippedweed guard functionplayactive roleaim tightobstacles spike head insert settingtuberinger insertspike headbacktubematchingdirectionhook insertpiercefixpushline eye penetrate pullhookwormstraight finishstraighteningcolorposted imageslightlyactual product dependingshooting environmentcomputermobile phone carrierviewingnoterecommended hookssizehook dimensions differ dependinghook manufacturerselect
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