INSERT SETTINGS FOR TUBE BAITS “Spike head” is a tube jig head that makes the irregular and low trajectory escape action unique to tube jig heads that induce reaction bites more reliable. The shape with spike-shaped protrusions on the tip of the head holds the tube worm firmly from the inside, preventing even a tube worm with a thick head from cracking and popping out of the jig head. Also, if you set it to a tube ringer equipped with a weed guard function, it will play an active role as a tube jig head that can aim tight at obstacles. SPIKE HEAD HEAD WEIGHT: 5.0g, 7.0g, 10.0g HOOK SIZE: #3/0 2008.9 release. End of production April 1, 2022 SPIKE HEAD LIGHT HEAD WEIGHT: 1.8g, 3.5g HOOK SIZE: #2/0 2008.9 release. End of production April 1, 2022 ①.Insert the spike head from the back of the tube by matching the direction of the weed guard and the hook. ②.Insert the spike head to the tip of the tube and pierce it to fix it. ③. Push the body and let the line eye penetrate. ④.Pull out the hook so that the worm is straight. ⑤.Finish by straightening the worm and setting the hook on the weed guard.

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