Price and availability are subject to change.
Snugless, joint rubber jig.
The "Sliphead Jig" demonstrates its amazing ability to avoid obstacles even in scree fields with various rocks scattered about, fishing reefs, and branches intertwined with each other. Therefore, it is a joint type rubber jig that does not interfere with the original action of the trailer and can bring the big bass hidden in the cover to the bite.
Even if you get stuck, the shape of the head that is good at slipping through, the position of the line eye and the side eye will allow you to get through the cover with a high probability, so you can mass-produce bites by keeping the rhythm and casting.
HEAD WEIGHT: 1/8oz, 3/16oz, 1/4oz, 3/8oz, 1/2oz, 5/8oz
2018.9 release.
Low center of gravity head with high obstacle avoidance ability that does not overturn unnecessarily.
Even if it is stuck, the eye setting allows the angler to overcome steps with the principle of leverage, giving the angler a sense of slipping that he does not feel stuck.
The two ribs on the bottom can trace the bottom with a high sensing ability that conveys the terrain to the rod.
The horizontal eye that keeps the line binding part in place prevents the knot from slipping and enables stable action.
#2/0 hook size: 1/8oz・3/16oz
#3/0 hook size: 1/4oz・3/8oz・1/2oz・5/8oz
Gamakatsu hook "LD Master" with a large line eye diameter is the default. As a result, the range of motion of the trailer worm is large and the appeal to the bass is enhanced. In addition, it will bite smoothly without giving discomfort. The head is connected with a split ring, so if the hook point becomes dull or if you want to match the size of the trailer, you can replace it with a hook you have on hand.
The short cut on the head side that generates a slight tingling vibration while fluttering in the water flow, and the long tied skirt that extends from the hook side skirt that flares to follow the action. The irregular shape change woven by the movement of these three different skirts invites bites.
The head side, which is set short, generates a tight vibration with a tight length, and it also acts as a resistance to suppress the fall speed and movement distance. The skirt, which is set long on the hook side, appeals with a flare that does not maintain a fixed shape, and the rubber cut, which is inspired by the feel of crustaceans and long arms, appeals to bass with its swaying movement and silhouette. .
Color Options
#02 Young Gil
#03 Tan Watermelon
#06 Black/Blue Flake
#05 Green Pumpkin
#04 Blue Black
#09Sakura Baby
#08 Blue Smoke
#07 Green Pumpkin Seed
#10 Sakura Baby/Blue Flake
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Tackle MakerDeps
DescriptionSnugless, joint rubber jig.
The "Sliphead Jig" demonstrates its amazing ability to avoid obstacles even in scree fields with various rocks scattered about, fishing reefs, and branches intertwined with each other. Therefore, it is a joint ty...
Keywordssnugless joint rubber jigsliphead jig demonstratesamazing abilityavoid obstaclesscree fieldsrocks scatteredfishing reefsbranches intertwinedjoint type rubber jiginterfereoriginal actiontrailerbringbig bass hiddencoverbitestuckshapeheadgoodslippingpositionline eyeside eyehigh probabilitymass produce biteskeepingrhythmcasting slip head jig head weight oz oz oz oz oz oz release head dsign eye low centergravity headhigh obstacle avoidance abilityoverturn unnecessarilyeye settinganglerovercome stepsprincipleleverage givingsensefeel stuckribsbottomtracehigh sensing abilityconveysterrainrodhorizontal eyeline binding partplace preventsknotenables stable action joint hook hook size oz oz hook size oz oz oz oz gamakatsu hook ld masterlarge line eye diameterdefaultresultrangemotiontrailer wormlargeappealbassenhancedadditionbite smoothlygiving discomfortconnectedsplit ringhook pointdullmatchsizereplacehookhand split ring slicon skirtshort cuthead sidegeneratesslight tingling vibrationflutteringwater flowlong tied skirtextendshook side skirtflaresfollowactionirregular shape change wovenmovementskirts invites bitesset short generatestight vibrationtight lengthactsresistancesuppressfall speedmovement distanceskirtset longhook side appealsflaremaintainfixed shaperubber cutinspiredfeelcrustaceanslong arms appealsswaying movementsilhouette
Media Files19
CategoryJigs - Reel in the big catch with these versatile jigs.
Item ID000594
AddedFebruary 18, 2023
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