SUB-SPECIES - Birth of Subspecies - Derived from the Sidewinder, the light rig "Ultra Finesse" is a special model that embodies the needs of support staff who are forced to use finesse techniques in the intensifying tough field. 24t + 30t graphite composite blank characteristics for skillful manipulation with precise rod work found from the concept of "how to eat", and a lightweight and highly sensitive finish that brings out the full performance of the grip setting. It enables excellent line control even in situations where extremely delicate finesse capture with a light line of 2.5lb to 3lb is forced. "Ultra finesse", which targets tough bass in a tight field, is a light rig custom specialized for high-level technical games. LINEUP Bug Raider HGCS-66LXF Slack shaker HGCS-65LR Rapid Hooker HGCS-63LF LINEUP HGCS-66LXF BUGRAIDER Length: 6'6” 1 piece Lure Weight: 1/32 to 1/4oz Line: 4-8lb Action: Light Ex.Fast Taper Grip Length: 330mm (Grip removable) Own weight: about 117g Price: ¥48,400 (¥44,000 without tax) JAN code: 4544565170229 2010.6 release. Small rubber jig custom that shakes only the tip with small shaking and reliably hooks even from the state where line slack is secured. Ex. The high-sensitivity tip with the fast taper and the butt power, which can be said to be unusual for a light model, are not limited to the mid-layer shake of a small rubber jig, but also the no-sinker rig and split shot rig that make full use of the tip only. A high-speed hooking model that supports hooking mode for agile response that can be delicately manipulated and hooked as soon as it is touched. HGCS-65LR SLACKSHAKER Length: 6'5” 1piece Lure Weight: 1/32 to 1/4oz Line: 3-6lb Action: Light Regular Taper Grip Length: 330mm (Grip removable) Own weight: about 112g Price: ¥48,400 (¥44,000 without tax) JAN code: 4544565170236 2010.4 release. A regular taper that allows you to lightly dance with a light shake and operate the wacky rig so that it drifts naturally. Just by applying the grip end to the elbow and shaking it lightly, the supple tip plays the line slack with a large stroke, and the blank characteristics that made it possible to keep carving one-point action with reduced movement distance are Wacky rig, jig head Wacky. The Slack Shake Special that shows its true value. HGCS-63LF Rapid Hooker RAPIDHOOKER Length: 6'3” 1piece Lure Weight: 1/32 to 1/4oz Line: 3-6lb Action: Light Fast Taper Grip Length: 283mm (Grip removable) Own weight: about 99g Price: ¥48,400 (¥44,000 without tax) JAN code: 4544565170243 2010.5 release. A highly sensitive technical light gear that masters the light jig head with a sharp tip and excellent handling. The operation feeling like an extension of the fingertips is required for severe rod work, as it clearly captures the fine shaking that untangles the tangled weeds one by one, and the behavior of the lure during jig head swimming in the middle layer. A sensitive model that can attack tough times with accurate lure control. Although it is a model that pursues performance as a light jig head rod, it also supports light weight plugs such as small shads at a high level.
Bug Raider HGCS-66LXFSlack shaker HGCS-65LRRapid Hooker HGCS-63LF

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Additional details
species birthsubspecies derivedsidewinderlight rig ultra finessespecial modelembodiessupport staffforcedfinesse techniquesintensifying tough fieldgraphite composite blank characteristicsskillful manipulationprecise rod work foundconcepteatlightweighthighly sensitive finishbringsfull performancegrip settingenables excellent line controlsituationsextremely delicate finesse capturelight linelbforced ultra finessetargets tough basstight fieldlight rig custom specializedhigh level technical games lineup bug raider hgcs lxf slack shaker hgcs lr rapid hooker hgcs lf lineup hgcs lxf bugraider length piece lure weightoz line lb action lightfast taper grip length mm grip removableweightpricetax jan code release small rubber jig customshakestipsmall shakingreliably hooksstateline slacksecuredhigh sensitivity tipfast taperbutt powerunusuallight modellimitedmid layer shakesmall rubber jigsinker rigsplit shot rigmake fullhigh speed hooking modelsupports hooking modeagile responsedelicately manipulatedhookedtouched hgcs lr slackshaker length piece lure weightoz line lb action light regular taper grip length mm grip removabletax jan code releaseregular taperlightly dancelight shakeoperatewacky rigdrifts naturallyapplyinggrip endelbowshakinglightlysupple tip playslarge strokeblank characteristicsmadecarvingpoint actionreduced movement distancewacky rig jig head wackyslack shake specialshowstruehgcs lf rapid hooker rapidhooker length piece lure weightoz line lb action light fast taper grip length mm grip removablehighly sensitive technical light gearmasterslight jig headsharp tipexcellent handlingoperation feelingextensionfingertipsrequiredsevere rod workcapturesfine shakinguntanglestangled weedsbehaviorlurejig head swimmingmiddle layersensitive modelattack tough timesaccurate lure controlmodelpursues performancelight jig head rodsupports light weight plugssmall shadshigh level
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