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- finesse turnsstrongfinesse rod inheritingsidewinder conceptstiff powerful blankemphasizeshookingcatchingpowered spinningoverwhelm monstershelplessly caughtescapedboundconceptconventional spinning rodsunconventional torqueful shaftraiseslimitlimit screamsdragbutt powermarginlinepulledopponentcmmonsterelasticityholdtremendous rushgiveamazing advantagecalmly controltophighly compatiblesinker rigslight jig head rigsoperabilitysharply swingsmall plugs bringsunique feelinghard overpower settingsimaginedheavy spinning rod realizedamazing drag performancemodern spinning reelsspreadfluorolinebringfunctionareasidewindermade power fishingworldrodintroduced finesse rodsfeed fishlongerbig bass huntingrod finallyfinessestrong lineup rude viper hgcs mhrf boomslang hgcs mhr laser whipper hgcs mlr edgemaster hgcs mhx deathblow hgcs mhf parts details realseat girpfji vss reel seatadoptedmodelslimmed reel seat improves holdabilityreduces weightadditionhighest grade eva griphigh hardnesshigh density enhances sensitivitytexturehigh level compatible foregriplightweightcompact fore gripchangereel seatdirect action feeloperatedplacingindex fingerblank realizesdelicate rod work requiredfinesse hunting gripend baranceraluminum machine cut grip end balanceramplifiestransmits sensitivityservingcounterweight guide settings fuji titanium frame sic guide boasting light weighthigh rigidity rude viperlaser whipperguide specifications dueversatilitybraided line lineup hgcs mhrf rude viper rudeviper length piece lure weight oz line lb braided line lb action medium heavy regular fast taper grip length mm grip removableweightprice excluding tax jan code release rude viperamazing flight distanceoutstanding operabilitype concept finishedtipenables delicate lurelight rigscat rigsjig headspower blankcarrybig wormsmedium sized swimbaitspower finesse spinguide setting assumingbraided linesendlight rigbackmanmade structurebush coverhesitatingcatch short biteslong distancesletsrealizeperformancehang surelyultra fast retrievecutbassclear waterstrump card methodkilling monstersclear lakesoutstanding flight distancefeetabilityhandlegive bank fishermenbig advantage hgcs mhr boomslang length piece lure weightoz line lb action medium heavy regular taper grip length mmdetachable grippricetax jan code release endproduction aprillong power rod boom slangoverturnsspinning rodsspinning modelmonsterscustomizedchange finesselong shafthigh elasticityregular taperproduces overwhelming flight distance brings outstanding castabilitysend big wormssinkersbushsidepondoffshoreoverwhelmingbig bassreluctanteatmid level shake swimmingdemonstratespowerdemonstrates cutting dirt actionhigh operabilitydifficultreproduceconventional long rodsbat powerfirmly swingheavy weight wormsfightequal termshung big basscompatiblewacky rigskinkuhigh levelhandles tough lake light cover flippingboastshigh total balance hgcs mlr laser whipper laserwhipper length piece lure weightoz line lb braided line lb action medium light regular taper grip length mm gripdetachabletax jan code releasetorqueful butt powerpullcoverdelicate operabilitysupple blank characteristicsflexwhipmomentary thrusts makecompact lurerequires accuracyextremely high accuracy performanceaccurately send insect type luresgapsdistanceapply pressureenableslantern fishing methodhungtargeted brancheseasyhandle lengthft incheshighly operablecastday longsenselifeluretechnical spinsupports small plugssinkers light carorequire operability duerod characteristic hgcs mhx edge master edgemaster length piece lure weight oz line lb action medium heavyfast taper grip length mm gripremovableproduction april equippedsoft tipeasily controllightweight rigtaperspecial model builthigh pressureforcedsmall baitcapturingdifficult ginkria visible bassblank characteristicsdecisivelymere finesse rodstrong batemphasizes operabilityhigh degreeperfectionbighandssuppressrush immediatelyedge mastershows suitabilityhigh dimensional finesse huntingtechnical shaftcatching monstersthreaded hgcs mhf deathblow deathblow length piece lure weightoz line lb action medium heavy fast taper grip length mm gripmedium heavy short modelshoots pin spotsshort distancescatches monstersfinesse huntingfocusesfast taperstrong buttdelicate tip manipulates big worms livelyunravelingentangled weedsachieve hooking performancecatcheshangs firmlysmooth tip cutsweedsflashy irregular dartsimitatedsupportswide rangeshots
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- Rods & Reels - Experience the ultimate in fishing with these top-quality rods and reels.
- Item 000633
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