Finesse turns into strong. Not a finesse rod. Inheriting the Sidewinder concept, the stiff powerful blank that emphasizes only hooking and catching is nothing but a powered spinning to overwhelm monsters that were helplessly caught and escaped. Without being bound by the concept of conventional spinning rods, the unconventional torqueful shaft, which raises the limit to the limit, screams the drag and follows the butt power with a margin while the line is pulled out. Even if the opponent is a 60 cm up monster, its elasticity will hold down a tremendous rush and give you an amazing advantage that you can calmly control. On top of that, even though it is highly compatible with no sinker rigs and light jig head rigs, the operability to sharply swing through small plugs brings a unique feeling that is different from just hard overpower settings. Who would have imagined that this heavy spinning rod realized by the amazing drag performance seen in modern spinning reels and the spread of Fluoroline could bring out each function so far? A new area of ​​​​Sidewinder that made power fishing known to the world. Now that this rod has been introduced, finesse rods that only feed fish are no longer necessary for big bass hunting. This rod finally changes finesse to strong. LINEUP Rude Viper HGCS-72MHRF Boomslang HGCS-68MHR Laser whipper HGCS-65MLR Edgemaster HGCS-63MHX Deathblow HGCS-60MHF PARTS & DETAILS REALSEAT & GIRP The fji VSS reel seat has been adopted since the 2009 model. The slimmed reel seat improves holdability and reduces weight.In addition, the highest grade EVA grip with high hardness and high density enhances sensitivity and texture at a high level. compatible. FOREGRIP A lightweight and compact fore grip along with the change of the reel seat. The direct action feel, which is operated by placing the index finger on the blank, realizes the more delicate rod work required for finesse hunting. GRIPEND BARANCER An aluminum machine cut grip end balancer that amplifies and transmits sensitivity while also serving as a counterweight. GUIDE SETTINGS Fuji titanium frame SiC guide boasting light weight and high rigidity. "Rude Viper" and "Laser Whipper" will be K guide specifications due to the versatility of the braided line. LINEUP HGCS-72MHRF Rude Viper RUDEVIPER Length: 7'2” 1piece Lure Weight: 1/16-3/4oz Line: 4-12lb Braided Line: 6-15lb Action: Medium Heavy Regular Fast Taper Grip Length: 357mm (Grip removable) Own weight: about 133g Price: ¥59,400 (¥54,000 excluding tax) JAN code: 4544565170281 2016.10 release. "Rude Viper", which has both amazing flight distance and outstanding operability, is a PE concept finished with a tip that enables delicate lure with light rigs such as cat rigs and jig heads, and a power blank that can carry even big worms and medium-sized swimbaits. is a power finesse spin. With the K guide setting assuming the use of the braided line, not only can you send the light rig to the back of the manmade structure and the bush cover that you have been hesitating until now, but you can also catch short bites from long distances. He/she lets you realize the performance to hang surely. In addition, the ultra-fast retrieve of big worms, which cannot be cut off by bass in clear waters, is a trump card method for killing monsters in clear lakes. The outstanding flight distance of over 7 feet, and the ability to handle everything from lightweight to big worms, should give bank fishermen a big advantage. HGCS-68MHR BOOMSLANG Length: 6'8” 1piece Lure weight: 3/16 to 1/2oz Line: 4-12lb Action: Medium Heavy Regular Taper Grip Length: 315mm | Non-detachable Grip Own weight: about 136g Price: ¥47,300 (¥43,000 without tax) JAN code: 4544565170205 2003 release. End of production April 1, 2022 The long & power rod "Boom Slang", which overturns the concept of spinning rods, is a spinning model for monsters that has been customized to change finesse to strong. The long shaft with high elasticity and regular taper that produces overwhelming flight distance brings outstanding castability that can send big worms and no sinkers under the bush on the other side of the pond or far offshore, and it is overwhelming to big bass that is reluctant to eat. Even in mid-level shake swimming, which demonstrates its power, it demonstrates "cutting dirt action" and high operability, which was difficult to reproduce with conventional long rods. In addition, the bat power that can firmly swing through heavy weight worms and fight on equal terms with the hung big bass is not only compatible with wacky rigs with Kinku 7″ and 13″ at a high level, but also handles tough lake light cover flipping. It boasts a high total balance. HGCS-65MLR laser whipper LASERWHIPPER Length: 6'5” 1piece Lure weight: 1/32 to 3/16oz Line: 2-5lb Braided Line: 6-12lb Action: Medium Light Regular Taper Grip Length: 335mm (Grip not detachable) Own weight: about 95g Price: ¥48,400 (¥44,000 without tax) JAN code: 4544565170274 2016.5 release. The torqueful butt power that can pull the bass away from the cover while having delicate operability, and the supple blank characteristics that flex like a whip that follows even momentary thrusts, make it a lightweight and compact lure that requires accuracy. It has an extremely high accuracy performance that allows you to accurately send insect-type lures into the gaps of the cover even from a distance that does not apply pressure, and enables the lantern fishing method to be hung on the targeted branches. With its own weight and easy-to-handle length of 6 ft 5 inches, it is highly operable and can be cast all day long to bring a sense of life to the lure. It is a technical spin that supports small plugs, no sinkers, light caro, etc. that require operability due to this rod characteristic. HGCS-63MHX Edge Master EDGEMASTER Length: 6'3” 1piece Lure Weight: 3/16-3/8oz Line: 4-12lb Action: Medium Heavy Ex.Fast Taper Grip Length: 305mm (Grip not removable) Own weight: about 122g Price: ¥47,300 (¥43,000 without tax) JAN code: 4544565170199 2005.6 release. End of production April 1, 2022 Equipped with a soft tip that can easily control a lightweight rig, the Ex. First Taper is a special model built up for high pressure when you are sometimes forced to use a small bait, or for capturing a difficult Ginkria visible bass. The blank characteristics, which are decisively different from a mere finesse rod, have a strong bat that cannot be imagined from a soft tip that emphasizes operability. , It boasts a high degree of perfection to hold the Big One in its hands with enough power to suppress the rush immediately after. The "Edge Master", which shows suitability for high-dimensional finesse hunting, is a technical shaft for catching monsters that have been thoroughly threaded. HGCS-60MHF Deathblow DEATHBLOW Length: 6'0” 1 piece Lure weight: 3/16 to 1/2oz Line: 4-12lb Action: Medium Heavy Fast Taper Grip Length: 295mm (Grip not removable) Own weight: about 119g Price: ¥47,300 (¥43,000 without tax) JAN code: 4544565170182 2003 release. End of production April 1, 2022 A medium-heavy, short model that shoots pin spots at short distances and catches monsters with finesse hunting that mainly focuses on big worms. The fast taper, which has both a strong butt and a delicate tip, manipulates big worms lively while unraveling the entangled weeds one by one. Achieve hooking performance that clearly catches and hangs firmly. The smooth tip cuts through the weeds and allows for flashy irregular darts that cannot be imitated by conventional spinning rods.・It supports a wide range of down shots.
Rude Viper HGCS-72MHRFBoomslang HGCS-68MHRLaser whipper HGCS-65MLREdgemaster HGCS-63MHXDeathblow HGCS-60MHF

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finesse turnsstrongfinesse rod inheritingsidewinder conceptstiff powerful blankemphasizeshookingcatchingpowered spinningoverwhelm monstershelplessly caughtescapedboundconceptconventional spinning rodsunconventional torqueful shaftraiseslimitlimit screamsdragbutt powermarginlinepulledopponentcmmonsterelasticityholdtremendous rushgiveamazing advantagecalmly controltophighly compatiblesinker rigslight jig head rigsoperabilitysharply swingsmall plugs bringsunique feelinghard overpower settingsimaginedheavy spinning rod realizedamazing drag performancemodern spinning reelsspreadfluorolinebringfunctionareasidewindermade power fishingworldrodintroduced finesse rodsfeed fishlongerbig bass huntingrod finallyfinessestrong lineup rude viper hgcs mhrf boomslang hgcs mhr laser whipper hgcs mlr edgemaster hgcs mhx deathblow hgcs mhf parts details realseat girpfji vss reel seatadoptedmodelslimmed reel seat improves holdabilityreduces weightadditionhighest grade eva griphigh hardnesshigh density enhances sensitivitytexturehigh level compatible foregriplightweightcompact fore gripchangereel seatdirect action feeloperatedplacingindex fingerblank realizesdelicate rod work requiredfinesse hunting gripend baranceraluminum machine cut grip end balanceramplifiestransmits sensitivityservingcounterweight guide settings fuji titanium frame sic guide boasting light weighthigh rigidity rude viperlaser whipperguide specifications dueversatilitybraided line lineup hgcs mhrf rude viper rudeviper length piece lure weight oz line lb braided line lb action medium heavy regular fast taper grip length mm grip removableweightprice excluding tax jan code release rude viperamazing flight distanceoutstanding operabilitype concept finishedtipenables delicate lurelight rigscat rigsjig headspower blankcarrybig wormsmedium sized swimbaitspower finesse spinguide setting assumingbraided linesendlight rigbackmanmade structurebush coverhesitatingcatch short biteslong distancesletsrealizeperformancehang surelyultra fast retrievecutbassclear waterstrump card methodkilling monstersclear lakesoutstanding flight distancefeetabilityhandlegive bank fishermenbig advantage hgcs mhr boomslang length piece lure weightoz line lb action medium heavy regular taper grip length mmdetachable grippricetax jan code release endproduction aprillong power rod boom slangoverturnsspinning rodsspinning modelmonsterscustomizedchange finesselong shafthigh elasticityregular taperproduces overwhelming flight distance brings outstanding castabilitysend big wormssinkersbushsidepondoffshoreoverwhelmingbig bassreluctanteatmid level shake swimmingdemonstratespowerdemonstrates cutting dirt actionhigh operabilitydifficultreproduceconventional long rodsbat powerfirmly swingheavy weight wormsfightequal termshung big basscompatiblewacky rigskinkuhigh levelhandles tough lake light cover flippingboastshigh total balance hgcs mlr laser whipper laserwhipper length piece lure weightoz line lb braided line lb action medium light regular taper grip length mm gripdetachabletax jan code releasetorqueful butt powerpullcoverdelicate operabilitysupple blank characteristicsflexwhipmomentary thrusts makecompact lurerequires accuracyextremely high accuracy performanceaccurately send insect type luresgapsdistanceapply pressureenableslantern fishing methodhungtargeted brancheseasyhandle lengthft incheshighly operablecastday longsenselifeluretechnical spinsupports small plugssinkers light carorequire operability duerod characteristic hgcs mhx edge master edgemaster length piece lure weight oz line lb action medium heavyfast taper grip length mm gripremovableproduction april equippedsoft tipeasily controllightweight rigtaperspecial model builthigh pressureforcedsmall baitcapturingdifficult ginkria visible bassblank characteristicsdecisivelymere finesse rodstrong batemphasizes operabilityhigh degreeperfectionbighandssuppressrush immediatelyedge mastershows suitabilityhigh dimensional finesse huntingtechnical shaftcatching monstersthreaded hgcs mhf deathblow deathblow length piece lure weightoz line lb action medium heavy fast taper grip length mm gripmedium heavy short modelshoots pin spotsshort distancescatches monstersfinesse huntingfocusesfast taperstrong buttdelicate tip manipulates big worms livelyunravelingentangled weedsachieve hooking performancecatcheshangs firmlysmooth tip cutsweedsflashy irregular dartsimitatedsupportswide rangeshots
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