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- unchanged essence unwavering performancesidewinder appearederalight rigsmainstreamlightersensitive rodspursuedultra high elasticity rodsappearingtimestorqueful long rodsuper class power posedquestionearthfishingrodanswerclearcatching big bassheydaytournaments big bass huntingstylecore anglerssidewinder seriesstartedmodels slap shot super borderoutcrosscore anglerbornbig bass huntersspecialized spechandle strong stylesslow rolling heavy spinnerbait rubber jig swimmingbig baitstandarddozen yearsminor cosmeticbasic performancechangedlovedmodifyinglong loved blanksidewinderbrushedsharpnesshigh rigidityholdinghand firmly inherited bait casting model gungnir hgc hr gp bore constrictor hgc xs gp slapshot hgc xx gp solenoglyph hgc xrfgp super border hgc xf gp bullet shot hgc hf gp bush viper hgc xs gp burdick hgc mlxf gp outcross hgc xr gp speckle racer hgc hf gp hazard master hgc hr gp constrictor hgc xs gp glass composite model series ferderans tgc hr gp parts details machine cut aluminum ringmachine cut aluminum ringjunctioncarbon pipe insidegripblankincreasesrigidityjoint partdemonstratesstrong fixing forceinsertingsymbolic partgreat performerred colorexpresses pedigreelinesrepresentgeneration pom front grip hood grippom polyoxymethylene resinduracon resinengineering plasticexcellent wear resistance high strength fatigue resistance rigidityprocessing accuracycontributesensuring strong reel mountingsensitivityhard touch guide settingordermaximizeperformanceguide settingmakesline followbent curvetightly contributesweight reductionadoptionlnsg guidepreviousnsg madefujinumberguides guide positionsguide diametersdeterminedpreciselyrealizeshighly sensitive feeling haika cork grip endgrip endhigh strength haika cork reduces slippageslippagebalancer effect duemoderate weightgivedull black luster shaped eva gripeva gripshapeeasyfatiguelong time dedicated setting foregripfront gripboa constrictor hgc xs gpconstrictor hgc xs gpequippedeva supportspecial settings reduceburdenfingertipshard jerkcontinuous twitch action frequentlymoving lures applied bait casting model hgc hr gp gungnir bait casting model length piece closed dimension mm lure weight oz line lb braided line lb action heavy regular taper grip length mm gripdetachableweightprice excluding tax jan code releasesuper long ft inch super long rodbass fishing world developedpunchingflippingdifficulthandle duelong lengthbenefitsapproachposition closetopangle enablesactionmanipulatinglure verticallydrastically reducesstackpasscoverdragconfronting buswater surfacefulcrumangleincidence increasesgreatly reduceslinesensitivity transmittedhandblockedpower losshookingsuppressed makinghandledirectlyadditionft inch extendsdistancepointgive unnecessary pressureenablescaptureattackeffectivenessultra long lengthcontrolrangecranksminnowssubmergingtipwaterupward stanceleftswing width makesline mendtrace line long castsmakelengthexchangesbushescovers give okapparigreat advantage hgc xs gp boa constrictor boaconstrictor bait casting model length piece lure weight oz line lb actionheavy slow taper grip length mm grip removableslow taper long rod mademedium elasticityultra high elasticitygraphitestickinessholdbite firmlybellyensuringhungbattip responsemovementbassbringsfeelingswimbaitsplaybreaksuper high speed pullingspinnerbaitsinduces reaction bitesdeep crankingreducemiss bytebringpart time jobpower moving rodsupports search baitsvibrationsshorebuzzbait long throwshigh level specification changetorzite ringshipmentjune hgc xx gp slapshot bait casting model length piece lure weightoz line lb action xx heavy regular fast taper grip length mm grip removableprice excluding tax jan code release torque full regular taperhigh sensitivity reduces trailer deviationrelaxed long castoutstanding hooking performancerecent swim jig stylesbulky trailersfeelheavy power blankoutstanding sensitivityslight tight vibrationbladedeep slow rollingheavy versatile heavy cover flipping heavy carolina rigbig bait hgc xrfgp solenoglyph bait casting model length piece telescopic lure weightoz line lb actionheavy regular fast taper grip length mm gripprice excluding tax jan code release endproduction aprilblank developed exclusivelypronged heavy carolina rig establishedlake biwa pursuessharp sensitivitytip sectionpoweroperateheavy weight sinkerdelicacyloosenweedcuttingcompletedregulartaperpowerful batreliably determines hookinglong distancesfloatspoundersdedicated modelspecializespronged caroshowswide rangeresponsivenessspinnerbaits rubber jigs texas rigsmediumsmall swimbaitsunique spiral settingtotalguidesktsg ultra small diameter guidesamazing long cast performancesharp operationadvantageousshore fishing special specificationsobtaining sidewindertelescopic modelhigh advantagewading games dedicated aluminum partsprevent rattlingstoredlong timecoatingabsorb water causingblister phenomenoninsidewet state storeextended state hgc xf gp superborder bait casting model length piece lure weightheavy fast taper grip length mm grip removablepower jig rodimproved operabilityreducingmaintainingsharptaper broughtstiffsharp blank characteristicsreaction jigswingsrod verticallyhigh responsedelicate actiondeep rubber jiggingaccurate rod workswim jigrod sidewaysslight contactbottomslow rollsensesboasts excellent range control setgrip lengthoperability uniquehanging rodrough fightmonster class hgc hf gp bulletshot bait casting model length piece lure weightoz line lb action heavy fast taper grip length mm grip removablefast tapersharp tip responsemetallic butt powerspecialty modelmaster high level texas rigs boasting excellent hooking performanceft length boasts excellent hooking performancefeel bottom materialweeds achievebalanced feelenables technical worminghook piercesjawinstantmomentfaint bitetouchesgpred symbol partsforegripspecificationsadopted hgc xs gp bush viper bushviper bait casting model length piece lure weight oz line lb braided line lb actionheavy slow taperexertsbendsshallow cover flippingfrog gamessupports swim jigsdepthoutstanding finishperformshigh levelclose quarters attacking covermoving baitspiral settingcombineskwsgprevents troublesbraided lineeliminatespower loss duetwistingstrong torque inherentblank pullfullyunique slow taperboasts delicatelight operabilitytwitch opensfrontierpower fishing hgc mlxf gp bardick bait casting model length piece lure weight oz line lb action medium lightfast taper grip length mm grip removablepricetax jan code releasehandle lightweight lureslightweight versatile modelassumingkindsfishing scenesokappariboatstaper design maximize accuracyoperability allowingdrawflexible arccastlightweight luresecuretorquefloatbig bassfightputftlongerclasslinedbait modellightweight luressmallthin hooksreliably catch big basstop guidereduce weighteasierswing hgc xr gp outcross outcross bait casting model length piece lure weight oz line lb actionheavy regular taper grip length mm grip removableheavy regular tapergood controllability makesstructure tightbuzzbaitsleedsshallow coversrequire accuracylong distance pitching activerubber jigshootstexas rig rodmatchesshallowrange spinnerbaitcustom ozozmanmade attacksliding jigheadlock jighandles mad weber buzz jetspiral minnowheavy cover edgeshigh level hgc hf gp speckle racer speckleracer bait casting model length piece lure weightoz line lb action heavy fast taper grip length mm gripremovabletax jan code release versatile rodhook modeachieves aggressive attackshigh speed dueexcellent tip responsegood handlingpowered balancelonger grip lengthhazard masterinclude football jigs tube jig heads spinnerbaits swimming jigslight texas showcutsweed sharplyhangsultra sensitive technical model hgc hr gp hazardmaster bait casting model length piece lure weightoz line lb action heavy regular taper grip length mm griptax jan code release jerk bait jig head swimmingsinker stick baitblank characteristicsdistinguishobstaclesbitesmiddleweight moving luresshallow cranksjig spinnersboasts excellent lure control performancehooking performanceattacking obstacles tightlyfirmly catching basssmooth tipsberriesregular taperversatile modelemphasizes glue hgc xs gp constrictor constrictor bait casting model length piece lure weightheavy slow taper grip length mm griptax jan code release endhighly elastic blankrefinedslow taperretaininggentle smooth taperbelly bringsmid elastic feeldrawsdueconstrictor characterwrapspreystranglesaptitudehangmoving luresemphasize gluelarge jerk baitspencil baitsreel seatfore gripsoft touchcontinuous jerkanglersemi short grip suitabletwitchingjerkadopted glass composite model series tgc hr gp ferdelance bait casting model length piece lure weightremovable weightfeetdecide castingsevere spotsreduce excess stackscut weeds easilyhookreliablyupper jawglass rodblanksdesignedpurposemanipulating fast moving lurescrankbaitsaggressivelyefficientlymnst ocean top guidekwsg eliminateseasily twistedfull strengthinherent torque purposeful settingaggressive glass rodmakes fulltorqueful bendingbass floatshakingheadhangingunique
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- Rods & Reels - Experience the ultimate in fishing with these top-quality rods and reels.
- Item 000630
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