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- raging basic performance solitary arm aimbig basshangcatchpursuitbasic performancestraightsidewinderfunctionscharacteristics createdlost sightessencecustom rodoriginallyrequiredcontraryorderbassunnecessary decorationsremovedhesitationdetailsruggedness giveglimpserod makingrigid stancehidden potentialdemonstratespowermasteringpursuedintroductionmaterialsincreasingtonnagedeveloped composite blanks madegraphitedesignedachievetorque carefully selectedthoughtcarbon connectorgrip end balanceramplify vibrationdirectly transmitkind designconsiderationhandreasondifficulthandlemakefeel uncomfortablefunctionrodputhigh levelcaseskillmental aspectsuserraisedkindstatusobtainedbroughthigh potentialreliable qualitydonanglersmeetshocksidewinder encountermeaningcontinued existence bait casting model strong mind hgcstrong jerk hgc xxx dom driver hgc xr se dom driver hgc xr bullet shot hgc hf venom fang hgc xf glass composite model seriesblow tgc hrf solid setter tgc mhr realseat gripfuji tcs reelselectedexcellent grip performancerough fightsdesirefeelslightest changebottom materialvibrationhard touchsensitive index finger touchinghood cap sheet adopted hgc xshgc xsspecial settingfujitcs reel seat tbs fore gripunique settingrelievesburdenfingertipssoft touchhard jerkcontinuous twitchingmoving lures arrange carbon connectorsdrawsblanks powermaximumletsdirectlycarbon connector builtjointreel seatblanks increases rigiditydramatically improves vibration transmission capability gripend balancer sensitivity balancemachine cut grip end balanceraluminum machine cut balanceramplifiestransmits sensitivitysynergistic effectservescounterweightreduceweight feelreelattached guide settingssensitivities double foot titanium frameincreases rigidity proprietary guide settingfuji double foot titanium frame sic guideboasts light weighthigh rigiditysuppressesdeflectionframeguide blurring bringssenseunityblanksequippedhigh sensitivityexcellent durabilityhgc xr fujimnst ocean top guideadoptedpe lineeffectreducing thread entanglementtipheavy duty specificationwithstand overuse bait casting model hgcstrong mind strongmind length piece lure weight kg line lb action regular taper grip length mm grip removableweightprice excluding tax jan code release sidewinder strongmind possesses transcendental powersurpasses imaginationwritten lure weight kglimithumancastlurefactunprecedented blank powermeasuredshakesgaugeload testinsane blank powermanipulategiant baitrod powerinferiorsuper heavyweight giant baitactiondraggingcreatessharp actionmakesjerkinitial speedfrequent bitesadditionhigh power transmission powerreliably penetratesupper jawbitelong distancehooking powertransmitthick hookstrong mindexistsworldcasting super heavyweight giant baitsspecultimate specialty rodmastered giant baithandle hgc xxx strong jerk strongjerk length piece lure weight kg line lb action xxx heavy regular taper grip length mm grip removableprice excluding tax jan code release basedtranscendental power rod strongmindmadeshort lengthslightly mild flavortechnical modelmagnum class giant baitrod workjerkingtwitchingseparate grip designeasyinterfereeasegrippingoperating rangewrist seeking easecastabilitylandtarget pinpointloadbodygreatly reducedrod balanceforegripadd weightfrontlengthsimilarrodshandle allowingmanipulate magnum class giant baitsfieldsrental boatsokappari hgc xr se dom driver domdriver se length piece lure weightoz line lb actionheavy regular taper grip length mm grip removable price excluding tax jan code releasebig baitozhigh loaddouble wrapped double footedguideheavy regular taper blankcreaterequiresmomentary quick action specialized model hgc xr dom driver domdriver length piece lure weightheavy regular taper grip length mm grip removablepricetax jan code release endproduction aprilheavy regular taperattacking water chestnut algaebush junglewithstand rough fightssticky torque duemedium elasticitymaterialboasts max powerbringmonster classtough batenablesdaunting long castdetectshort bitetakesbreathhooksfull power bringingperfect strokedeep hookup heavy duty modelfrog game hgc hf bulletshot length piece lure weightoz line lb action heavy fast taper grip length mm grip removablefast tapersharp tip responsemetallic butt powerspecial modelmastering high level texas rigs boastingexcellent abilityaccurately sense bottom materialsweedsoutstanding hooking performancefoot length achieveswide hooking strokefeel longexquisite balance feellinear operability realizedmomentfaint bitedetectedhook instantly piercesjawbass enabling technical worming releasedjunesidewinder great performer hgc xf venomfang venomfang length piece lure weightheavy fast taper grip length mm grip removableprice excluding tax jan code release endjig rodseriesmain materialassistedgraphite accuracydriven tightbackcrowded bushblank feeltop prioritysensing abilityeffectivecoverguarded jigsheavy texasdeep range captureheadlock jigs ozresponseoperatejig quicklysharplyindispensable itemcover shooting aimedmonsters glass composite model series tgc hrfblow length piece lure weightoz line lb action heavy regular fast taper grip length mm grip removabletorqueful regular fast taperbiteslarge moving plugsbig cranksbutt powerflexibilityglasscarbon feelinggivesupple followability peculiargrassrushcorrespondsmoving methodsoft baitamazing hooking performancelong lengthlong cast performanceindispensablecapturingvast flatweedfreely controlrangeadjustingrod anglekneelingquickly securestrace linesevere fast moving contributestrategy tgc mhr solid setter solidsetter length piece lure weightoz line lb action medium heavy regular taper grip length mm gripdetachableproduction april medium weight moving versatile tilesupportswide rangecrankingshallowmid runners vibration spinnerbaitjerkbaittip makesevade stackscrankbaitscontactbottomlickingabilityfollowclose rangerepellinghigh balanced finishsuppresses high operabilityblankeliminates blurringcastinggrip lengthhandlingmachine gun specificationshoots pinpointscircle cast
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- Rods & Reels - Experience the ultimate in fishing with these top-quality rods and reels.
- Item 000631
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