Raging basic performance, solitary arm. Aim for big bass. And if you hang it, you will catch it. The pursuit of basic performance that is too straight for Sidewinder. The functions and characteristics created from it have never lost sight of the essence that a custom rod should originally be required. On the contrary, in order to "catch a bass", the unnecessary decorations are removed without hesitation, and the details up to the ruggedness give a glimpse of the rod making without hesitation. Only the rigid stance that goes its own way and the hidden potential that demonstrates its power only after mastering it are thoroughly pursued. Without the introduction of new materials or increasing the tonnage, we have developed composite blanks made of 30t+40t graphite, which are designed to achieve both power and torque. Carefully selected and well thought out details such as carbon connector and grip end balancer that amplify vibration from and directly transmit it. There is no kind design or even consideration for anyone to use it. However, on the other hand, the reason why it is difficult to handle and does not make you feel uncomfortable is because the function as a rod is put together at a high level. In any case, the skill and mental aspects of the user are raised, and the kind of status that can be obtained by mastering it. It must be something that can only be brought about by its high potential and reliable quality. I don't know how many anglers can meet that shock, but if it was a sidewinder encounter, they would know the meaning of this rod's continued existence. BAIT CASTING model Strong Mind HGC-83∞R Strong Jerk HGC-71XXX Dom Driver HGC-80XR/SE Dom Driver HGC-80XR Bullet Shot HGC-70HF Venom Fang HGC-66XF GLASS COMPOSITE model series. M・Blow TGC-76HRF Solid Setter TGC-66MHR REALSEAT & GRIP The "Fuji TCS reel" was selected because of the pursuit of excellent grip performance during rough fights and the desire to feel even the slightest change in the bottom material and vibration by the hard touch of the more sensitive index finger touching the hood cap. Sheet "adopted. HGC-64XS and HGC-77XS have a special setting with "FujiTCS reel seat" + "TBS fore grip", which is a unique setting that relieves the burden on your fingertips with a soft touch during hard jerk and continuous twitching, which are often used with moving lures. arrange. CARBON CONNECTORS A carbon connector that draws out the blanks power to the maximum and lets you feel everything directly. The carbon connector built into the joint between the reel seat and blanks increases rigidity and dramatically improves vibration transmission capability. GRIPEND BALANCER Sensitivity + balance up. Machine cut grip end balancer. The aluminum machine cut balancer, which amplifies and transmits sensitivity through a synergistic effect with the carbon connector, also serves as a counterweight to reduce the weight feel when the reel is attached. GUIDE SETTINGS Obviously different sensitivities. Double foot titanium frame that increases rigidity. Proprietary guide setting with Fuji double foot titanium frame SiC guide that boasts light weight and high rigidity. The high rigidity that suppresses the deflection of the frame and the guide blurring brings a sense of unity to the blanks, and is equipped with a clearly different high sensitivity and excellent durability. For HGC-77XS and HGC-80XR, Fuji T-MNST ocean top guide is adopted considering the use of PE line. It has the effect of reducing thread entanglement on the tip and has a heavy-duty specification that can withstand overuse. BAIT CASTING model HGC-83∞R Strong Mind STRONGMIND Length: 8'3” 1 piece Lure Weight: ~2kg Line: ~50lb Action: ∞ Regular Taper Grip Length: 770mm (Grip removable) Own weight: about 547g Price: ¥80,300 (¥73,000 excluding tax) JAN code: 4544565175019 2016.1 release. "Sidewinder Strongmind" possesses transcendental power that far surpasses imagination. The written “Lure weight ~2kg” is the limit that a human can cast a lure, but in fact it has an unprecedented blank power that can not be measured because it shakes off the gauge in the load test. This insane blank power is the power necessary to manipulate a giant bait. If the rod power is inferior to the super-heavyweight giant bait, the action of dragging the bass will not even look at it. , Creates a "sharp" action and makes it possible to jerk with an initial speed that causes frequent bites. In addition, it has a high power transmission power that reliably penetrates the upper jaw even with a bite at a long distance where hooking power is difficult to transmit or a thick hook used for giant bait. A strong mind that exists in this world only for casting super heavyweight giant baits. It is not a spec that anyone can handle, but the ultimate specialty rod that only those who have mastered giant bait can handle. HGC-71XXX Strong Jerk STRONGJERK Length: 7'1” 1 piece Lure Weight: ~1.5kg Line: ~50lb Action: XXX-Heavy Regular Taper Grip Length: 600mm (Grip removable) Own weight: about 395g Price: ¥75,900 (¥69,000 excluding tax) JAN code: 4544565170328 2021.6 release. Based on the transcendental power rod "Strongmind", it has been made into a short length, and with a slightly mild flavor, it is a technical model that allows you to manipulate a magnum-class giant bait with rod work such as jerking and twitching. A separate grip design with a short length that is easy to handle and does not interfere with the ease of gripping and the operating range of the wrist, seeking ease of rod work and castability to land on the target pinpoint. In addition, the load on the body is greatly reduced by the rod balance without the foregrip, which does not add weight to the front. The length is similar to that of other rods and is easy to handle, allowing you to manipulate magnum-class giant baits in various fields such as rental boats and okappari. HGC-80XR/SE Dom Driver DOMDRIVER/SE Length: 8'0” 1 piece Lure Weight: 1/2 to 4oz Line: 20-40lb Action: X-Heavy Regular Taper Grip Length: 590mm (Grip removable) Price: ¥64,900 (¥59,000 excluding tax) JAN code: 4544565170267 2015.8 release. It is a big bait over 6 oz with a high load, which is a double-wrapped double-footed K-guide with an Ex-heavy/regular taper blank to create a sharp action such as a hard jerk that requires a momentary quick action. Specialized model. HGC-80XR Dom Driver DOMDRIVER Length: 8'0” 1 piece Lure Weight: 1/2 to 4oz Line: 20-40lb Action: X-Heavy Regular Taper Grip Length: 557mm (Grip removable) Own weight: about 270g Price: ¥46,200 (¥42,000 without tax) JAN code: 4544565170090 2004 release. End of production April 1, 2022 The Ex-heavy regular taper for attacking water chestnut algae and bush jungle can withstand rough fights with sticky torque due to medium elasticity 24t material, and boasts max power that can bring out monster class at once with a tough bat. The length that enables a daunting long cast does not detect a short bite, but it takes a breath and hooks with full power, bringing the perfect stroke for a sure and deep hookup. Heavy duty model for big bait and frog game. HGC-70HF BULLETSHOT Length: 7'0” 1 piece Lure Weight: 3/16 to 3/4oz Line: 8-20lb Action: Heavy Fast Taper Grip Length: 396mm (Grip removable) Own weight: about 185g Price: ¥46,200 (¥42,000 without tax) JAN code: 4544565170212 2010.1 release. End of production April 1, 2022 The fast taper, which has both sharp tip response and metallic butt power, is a special model for mastering high-level Texas rigs. Boasting an excellent ability to accurately sense bottom materials and weeds, and outstanding hooking performance, the 7-foot length achieves a wide hooking stroke, but does not feel long, and has an exquisite balance feel with linear operability. realized. The moment a faint bite is detected, the hook instantly pierces the jaw of the bass, enabling technical worming. Released in June 2022 as Sidewinder Great Performer . HGC-66XF Venomfang VENOMFANG Length: 6'6” 1 piece Lure weight: 1/2 to 1oz Line: 12-30lb Action: X-Heavy Fast Taper Grip Length: 450mm (Grip removable) Own weight: about 188g Price: ¥43,890 (¥39,900 excluding tax) JAN code: 4544565170113 2004 release. End of production April 1, 2022 The only jig rod in the series that uses 35t graphite as the main material and is assisted by 40t graphite. Accuracy that can be driven tight even in the back of a crowded bush and blank feel that gives top priority to sensing ability are not only effective against cover with guarded jigs and heavy texas, but also in deep range capture with headlock jigs 1/2 oz to 1 oz. Also, it has the best response that allows you to operate the jig quickly and sharply. An indispensable item for cover shooting aimed at monsters. GLASS COMPOSITE model series. TGC-76HRF M-BLOW Length: 7'6” 1 piece Lure weight: 3/8 to 2 1/2oz Line: 12-20lb Action: Heavy Regular Fast Taper Grip Length: 401mm (Grip removable) Own weight: about 195g Price: ¥50,600 (¥46,000 without tax) JAN code: 4544565172018 2009.12 release. End of production April 1, 2022 A torqueful regular fast taper that bites into large moving plugs such as big cranks with the butt power and flexibility of the glass with a carbon feeling. A tough bat that does not give in to the supple followability peculiar to grass and the rush of big bass. , It corresponds to the moving method by soft bait with amazing hooking performance. The 7'6" long length, which demonstrates the long cast performance that is indispensable for capturing the vast flatweed, allows you to freely control the range by adjusting the rod angle such as kneeling, and quickly secures the trace line for severe fast moving. Contribute to strategy. TGC-66MHR Solid Setter SOLIDSETTER Length: 6'6” 1 piece Lure weight: 3/16 to 5/8oz Line: 8-16lb Action: Medium Heavy Regular Taper Grip Length: 382mm (Grip not detachable) Own weight: about 169g Price: ¥49,500 (¥45,000 without tax) JAN code: 4544565172025 2010.1 release. End of production April 1, 2022 Medium-weight moving versatile tile that supports a wide range of cranking, mainly for shallow to mid-runners, vibration, spinnerbait, and jerkbait. The flexibility of the tip makes it possible to evade stacks of crankbaits that contact the bottom as if licking the bottom, and the ability to follow the bite even at close range without repelling it. It also has a high-balanced finish that suppresses. High operability with a blank that eliminates blurring during casting and a grip length that is effective in handling is a machine gun specification that shoots pinpoints one after another in a circle cast.

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raging basic performance solitary arm aimbig basshangcatchpursuitbasic performancestraightsidewinderfunctionscharacteristics createdlost sightessencecustom rodoriginallyrequiredcontraryorderbassunnecessary decorationsremovedhesitationdetailsruggedness giveglimpserod makingrigid stancehidden potentialdemonstratespowermasteringpursuedintroductionmaterialsincreasingtonnagedeveloped composite blanks madegraphitedesignedachievetorque carefully selectedthoughtcarbon connectorgrip end balanceramplify vibrationdirectly transmitkind designconsiderationhandreasondifficulthandlemakefeel uncomfortablefunctionrodputhigh levelcaseskillmental aspectsuserraisedkindstatusobtainedbroughthigh potentialreliable qualitydonanglersmeetshocksidewinder encountermeaningcontinued existence bait casting model strong mind hgcstrong jerk hgc xxx dom driver hgc xr se dom driver hgc xr bullet shot hgc hf venom fang hgc xf glass composite model seriesblow tgc hrf solid setter tgc mhr realseat gripfuji tcs reelselectedexcellent grip performancerough fightsdesirefeelslightest changebottom materialvibrationhard touchsensitive index finger touchinghood cap sheet adopted hgc xshgc xsspecial settingfujitcs reel seat tbs fore gripunique settingrelievesburdenfingertipssoft touchhard jerkcontinuous twitchingmoving lures arrange carbon connectorsdrawsblanks powermaximumletsdirectlycarbon connector builtjointreel seatblanks increases rigiditydramatically improves vibration transmission capability gripend balancer sensitivity balancemachine cut grip end balanceraluminum machine cut balanceramplifiestransmits sensitivitysynergistic effectservescounterweightreduceweight feelreelattached guide settingssensitivities double foot titanium frameincreases rigidity proprietary guide settingfuji double foot titanium frame sic guideboasts light weighthigh rigiditysuppressesdeflectionframeguide blurring bringssenseunityblanksequippedhigh sensitivityexcellent durabilityhgc xr fujimnst ocean top guideadoptedpe lineeffectreducing thread entanglementtipheavy duty specificationwithstand overuse bait casting model hgcstrong mind strongmind length piece lure weight kg line lb action regular taper grip length mm grip removableweightprice excluding tax jan code release sidewinder strongmind possesses transcendental powersurpasses imaginationwritten lure weight kglimithumancastlurefactunprecedented blank powermeasuredshakesgaugeload testinsane blank powermanipulategiant baitrod powerinferiorsuper heavyweight giant baitactiondraggingcreatessharp actionmakesjerkinitial speedfrequent bitesadditionhigh power transmission powerreliably penetratesupper jawbitelong distancehooking powertransmitthick hookstrong mindexistsworldcasting super heavyweight giant baitsspecultimate specialty rodmastered giant baithandle hgc xxx strong jerk strongjerk length piece lure weight kg line lb action xxx heavy regular taper grip length mm grip removableprice excluding tax jan code release basedtranscendental power rod strongmindmadeshort lengthslightly mild flavortechnical modelmagnum class giant baitrod workjerkingtwitchingseparate grip designeasyinterfereeasegrippingoperating rangewrist seeking easecastabilitylandtarget pinpointloadbodygreatly reducedrod balanceforegripadd weightfrontlengthsimilarrodshandle allowingmanipulate magnum class giant baitsfieldsrental boatsokappari hgc xr se dom driver domdriver se length piece lure weightoz line lb actionheavy regular taper grip length mm grip removable price excluding tax jan code releasebig baitozhigh loaddouble wrapped double footedguideheavy regular taper blankcreaterequiresmomentary quick action specialized model hgc xr dom driver domdriver length piece lure weightheavy regular taper grip length mm grip removablepricetax jan code release endproduction aprilheavy regular taperattacking water chestnut algaebush junglewithstand rough fightssticky torque duemedium elasticitymaterialboasts max powerbringmonster classtough batenablesdaunting long castdetectshort bitetakesbreathhooksfull power bringingperfect strokedeep hookup heavy duty modelfrog game hgc hf bulletshot length piece lure weightoz line lb action heavy fast taper grip length mm grip removablefast tapersharp tip responsemetallic butt powerspecial modelmastering high level texas rigs boastingexcellent abilityaccurately sense bottom materialsweedsoutstanding hooking performancefoot length achieveswide hooking strokefeel longexquisite balance feellinear operability realizedmomentfaint bitedetectedhook instantly piercesjawbass enabling technical worming releasedjunesidewinder great performer hgc xf venomfang venomfang length piece lure weightheavy fast taper grip length mm grip removableprice excluding tax jan code release endjig rodseriesmain materialassistedgraphite accuracydriven tightbackcrowded bushblank feeltop prioritysensing abilityeffectivecoverguarded jigsheavy texasdeep range captureheadlock jigs ozresponseoperatejig quicklysharplyindispensable itemcover shooting aimedmonsters glass composite model series tgc hrfblow length piece lure weightoz line lb action heavy regular fast taper grip length mm grip removabletorqueful regular fast taperbiteslarge moving plugsbig cranksbutt powerflexibilityglasscarbon feelinggivesupple followability peculiargrassrushcorrespondsmoving methodsoft baitamazing hooking performancelong lengthlong cast performanceindispensablecapturingvast flatweedfreely controlrangeadjustingrod anglekneelingquickly securestrace linesevere fast moving contributestrategy tgc mhr solid setter solidsetter length piece lure weightoz line lb action medium heavy regular taper grip length mm gripdetachableproduction april medium weight moving versatile tilesupportswide rangecrankingshallowmid runners vibration spinnerbaitjerkbaittip makesevade stackscrankbaitscontactbottomlickingabilityfollowclose rangerepellinghigh balanced finishsuppresses high operabilityblankeliminates blurringcastinggrip lengthhandlingmachine gun specificationshoots pinpointscircle cast
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