SDG 3.4" Ned Creatures

SDG Custom Lure Craft
Arguably the most under-rated Ned Rig bait on the market… the 3.4” Ned Creature (official name is the “Epic Bait Molds Speed Shrimp”) doesn’t get the notoriety it most certainly deserves! Originally designed for salt water fishing in the surf, the Speed Shrimp features a long, slender body, small side-legs, and long, thin appendages off the face - complete with flanges at the tips that catch water and produce a fantastic action. Seeing the potential in the bait for a Ned Rig application, it has proven itself time and time again as the body stands straight up and the long front appendages ungulate in the water. When everyone else is throwing half an old stick bait… show the bass something new with the Ned Creature! Additional rigging option include texas rig, split shot, small swing head, Carolina rig, shaky head, ball head, shoot… even a drop shot - you could rig it sideways and mimic a minnow! The options are nearly endless!

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    SDG 3.4" Ned Creatures by SDG Custom Lure Craft - Soft Plastics on