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A middle runner who catches bluegill eaters.
Developed to capture the bluegill pattern of Lake Biwa and Nanko, the realizer is a middle runner that supports slow to super fast retrieve with excellent castability and easy retrieve resistance.
Although it is a search bait, it appeals with natural non-rattle and weak roll waves, and even in a vast flatweed area that has relied on vibration plugs until now, it can be used efficiently without putting pressure on monsters that cannot be eaten by high appeal baits. It allows for good searches.
Also, instead of cutting the contact weed, it will stay on the spot or shake it off and let it rise slowly to reproduce the movement of the bluegill. When the wind or waves prevent the fish from reaching the surface, or when the bluegill is sinking, Realizer is most effective.
LENGTH: 113mm body
WEIGHT: 1.8oz class
2007.8 release.
■High-speed retrieve compatible lip!!
The original lip, which has good weed removal and reduced retrieve resistance, is made of polycarbonate with excellent impact resistance.
■ Imitate body of life!
A super realistic finish body that faithfully reproduces the characteristics of baitfish, from scales to pectoral fins.
■ The effect when floating is tremendous!
Imitating the fin while camouflaging the hook. By vacuuming from the hook, it ensures a more reliable hookup rate, and it realistically flutters when posing or floating, increasing the bite chance. (front hook #3)
HOOK: #3
■ Weak roll waves that stimulate big bass!
A roll action that makes the most of its tall body appeals to bass with blinking color changes and flashing!
Realizer with a lineup of all 10 colors. Released 10 color concepts from development to product!
Various colors are available, from ultra-realistic to attractor.
#01 Real Bluegill and #04 Real Largemouth are super realistic colors just like bluegill and bass.
Hologram-based flashing type that emits reflected light just like the real thing. The color you want to select first in areas where bluegills and baby bass gather.
The following three colors are flushing models with a matte finish that is strong against zinc clear.
The line-up includes gold carp in black color, kinbuna in white gold, and ginbuna in silver flash.
#03 Lime Backgill is a new color scheme with a fluorescent green color scheme on the back that enhances visibility while being a real color with a blue pearl base and a bluegill pattern transferred.
It is easy to trace while checking the position of the lure with your eyes, such as when crossing pin spots such as weed patches and man-made structures tightly, and it is easy to bring in for a bite.
In addition, #02 Chart Gil Orange Berry uses a fluorescent chart as the base color.
Although it has the same bluegill pattern, the flashy flickering that appears when rolling appeals as a color that incorporates an attractor element.
#10 Jet Black, a standard color that has become familiar with Buzz Jet as a big bass bombing color that can be used in any situation
The clear silhouette supports a wide range from muddy lakes to clear water.
#09 Tequila Sunrise was born as a new color based on the secret color of Rattle Trap, which Okumura has killed many big basses in the past, with a more prominent green pearl.
It features a light color change that is effective even in the tough conditions of late autumn.
This is Rattle Trap's secret color that has been kept secret for many years.
At first glance, it's a pearly color that doesn't look like anything out of the ordinary, but it's not uncommon for big guys to eat only this color.
#08 Blue Back Shad is an attractor type color with a high track record in recent years that combines color change and flushing.
The most intense flickering produces flashing throughout the body that far surpasses the big willow leaf spinnerbait.
When true-tuning, flex in small increments to adjust your swim.
The color of the posted image may look slightly different from the actual product depending on the shooting environment and the computer or mobile phone carrier you are viewing. Please note.
Color Options
#01Real Bluegill
#02Chart Gill Orange Berry
#03 Limeback Gill
#06 Kimbuna
#05 Gold Carp
#04 Real Large Mouse
#09 Tequila Sunrise
#08 Blue Back Shad
#07 Gimbuna
#12 Nude Black
#11 Red Rebus
#10 Jet Black
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Tackle MakerDeps
DescriptionA middle runner who catches bluegill eaters.
Developed to capture the bluegill pattern of Lake Biwa and Nanko, the realizer is a middle runner that supports slow to super fast retrieve with excellent castability and easy retrieve resistance...
Keywordsmiddle runnercatches bluegill eaters developedcapturebluegill patternlake biwanankorealizersupports slowsuper fast retrieveexcellent castabilityeasy retrieve resistancesearch baitappealsnaturalrattleweak roll wavesvast flatweed areareliedvibration plugsefficientlyputting pressuremonsterseatenhigh appeal baitsgood searchescuttingcontact weedstayspotshakerise slowlyreproducemovementbluegillwindwaves preventfishreachingsurfacesinking realizereffective realiser length mm body weight oz class release tapered round lip high speed retrieve compatible liporiginal lipgood weed removalreduced retrieve resistancemadepolycarbonateexcellent impact resistance real finish body imitate bodylifesuper realistic finish bodyfaithfully reproducescharacteristicsbaitfishscalespectoral fins feather hookeffectfloatingtremendous imitatingfincamouflaginghookvacuumingensuresreliable hookup raterealistically fluttersposingfloating increasingbite chance front hook hook split ring rolling action weak roll wavesstimulate big bassroll actionmakestall body appealsbassblinking colorflashing realizerlineupcolors released color conceptsdevelopmentproductcolorsultra realisticattractor real bluegillreal largemouthsuper realistic colorsbass hologram based flashing typeemits reflected lightreal thingcolorselectareasbluegillsbaby bass gatherflushing modelsmatte finishstrongzinc clearlineincludes gold carpblack color kinbunawhite goldginbunasilver flash lime backgillcolor schemefluorescent green color schemebackenhances visibilityreal colorblue pearl basebluegill pattern transferredeasytracecheckingpositionlureeyescrossing pin spotsweed patchesman made structures tightlybringbiteaddition chart gil orange berryfluorescent chartbase colorflashy flickeringappearsrolling appealsincorporatesattractor element jet blackstandard colorfamiliarbuzz jetbig bass bombing colorsituationclear silhouette supportswide rangemuddy lakesclear water tequila sunriseborncolor basedsecret colorrattle trapokumurakilledbig bassespastprominent green pearlfeatureslight color changeeffectivetough conditionslate autumnsecretyearsglancepearly colordoesnordinaryuncommonbig guyseatcolor blue back shadattractor type colorhigh track recordrecent yearscombines color changeflushingintense flickering produces flashingbodysurpassesbig willow leaf spinnerbait true tunetrue tuning flexsmall incrementsadjustswimposted imageslightlyactual product dependingshooting environmentcomputermobile phone carrierviewingnote
Media Files29
CategoryCrankbaits - Boost catch rate with high-performing crankbaits.
Item ID000566
AddedFebruary 18, 2023
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