If you master it, it becomes the best weapon. Technical pencil bait "RADSCALE" that continues to boast an unwavering track record. This lure is highly rated by anglers who bring out the true performance of this lure. This is because the 2-way, variable action that only the variable balancer system can make possible, demonstrates its extraordinary power against big bass. None other than that. Twisting the body inward, it rolls to reveal the flanks as if cutting into the skating, a sweet splash sound from an upright posture, and a unique low-range bumpy sound produced by the moving weight that slides while vibrating the body. It invites a part-time job with an irregular action that produces a high response. With reliable performance for catching big bass and multi-functions that enable various approaches depending on technique, the "Radscale" makes top water games more reliable. RAD SCALE LENGTH: 111mm Weight: 18.0g 2001 release. End of production April 1, 2022 FRONT FACE DETAIL The torqueful undertow that strongly pushes the water apart on the front creates an overwhelming presence that induces bites with free winding. The movement makes it possible to roll the body inward instead of outward, enabling a unique action that was not possible with conventional pencils, like entangling in water. HOOK & TAIL DETAIL A hook with an eye angle is used considering installation via a split ring. The Radscale, which has been set to the limit, makes a big difference in the sharpness of its movement. HOOK: #4 SPLIT RING: #3 ACTION ■ ROLL SKATING "Roll skating" is the most effective way to search for bass as soon as possible in a flat area where bass are spread over a wide area. With a rod work that is lighter in touch than a normal pencil bait, it pushes through the water while mixing splashes and bumpy sounds, and shakes its head left and right. Rather than sliding on the water surface, the torqueful undertow that entangles and the echoing bass sound strongly appeals to distant bass. ■ ROLLING SNAKE WALK "Rolling Snake Walk" is effective in situations where baitfish are actively being pursued, such as during the rainy season or summer. Rod work with a faster rhythm than roll skating appeals to big bass with a unique rolling and a completely new action that twists the body inward and cuts into the water surface and meanders. ■ SPLASH & UPRIGHT In pin spots such as reeds, standing trees, and steep rocks, the “splash & upright” with a short moving distance greatly increases the bite chance. The sweet splash that makes it sound like it's pecking at the surface of the water, and the low-pitched sound emitted by the moving weight that slides while shaking the body will irritate the bass that are lurking tight and invite bites. ■ BOUNCING ACTION With a weed bed that extends to just below the surface of the water or an ultra-shallow lure, the "bouncing action" sometimes produces amazing catches. If you keep the line tension so that the neck does not shake, and add a fine continuous twitch to the free winding, you will see a powerful water pushing action with a bumpy sound and a vertical movement. Also, if you give it a pose occasionally, it will shift to an upright posture with a jolting sound, making it possible to create a unique effect that makes it look like a tired frog or a dying baitfish is resting. WATER PUSH & DEAD SLOW RETRIEVE We recommend "dead slow retrieve", which appeals only with undertow, for the spooked bass of Ginkria Lake, which are wary of flashy actions and sounds. If you just retrieve it slowly without moving the weight inside the body, the head pushes the water forward while the narrow tail creates a sharp undertow. It is also a secret method that has become a hot topic among land anglers who aim only for big bass. Switch on the neutral bus! Behind the scenes of Radscale It is already established that bluegill from Lake Biwa is the main bait for bass. Therefore, I will introduce a method that is effective when there are many gils roaming the surface. If the gil is floating near the surface of the water, skate the cast Radscale and send it to the vicinity of the gil area. Pause for a while, and wait for Gil to gather around the Radscale out of curiosity, then jerk! Surprised by the movement, Gil scatters all at once. Seeing Gil's panic, Bass attacks the left-behind Radscale. In addition, in situations where gil are flocking with their dorsal fins exposed to the surface of the water, the buzzbait pattern that scatters the gil is effective for even more exciting attacks. This method is an unexpected pattern that only works when there is a bluegill that is curious about lures. Sometimes a small bass comes along with the gill, and #36 Real Large Mouth is also a color that makes you feel good. High temperature caution When placed in direct sunlight, in a car, or in a high-temperature location such as a tackle box while fishing, the expansion of the air chamber due to the difference in outside temperature may cause deformation, cracks, or other damage. Especially in the summer, when the temperature rises, you need to be careful, so please be careful when storing the plug. Please note that we cannot guarantee any damage due to neglect. The color of the posted image may look slightly different from the actual product depending on the shooting environment and the computer or mobile phone carrier you are viewing. Please note.

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Additional details
masterweapon technical pencil bait radscalecontinuesboastunwavering track recordlurehighly ratedanglersbringtrue performancevariable actionvariable balancer systemmakedemonstratesextraordinary powerbig basstwistingbodyrollsrevealflankscuttingskatingsweet splash soundupright postureunique low range bumpy sound producedmoving weightslidesvibratinginvitespart time jobirregular actionproduceshigh responsereliable performancecatching big bassmulti functionsenableapproaches dependingtechniqueradscale makes top water gamesreliable rad scale length mm weightrelease endproduction april front face detailtorqueful undertowstrongly pusheswaterfront createsoverwhelming presenceinduces bitesfree windingmovement makesrolloutward enablingunique actionconventional pencilsentanglingwater hook tail detailhookeye angleinstallationsplit ringradscalesetlimit makesbig differencesharpnessmovement hook split ring action roll skating roll skatingeffectivesearchbassflat areaspreadwide arearod worklightertouchnormal pencil baitpushesmixing splashesbumpy soundsshakeshead leftslidingwater surfaceentanglesechoing bass sound strongly appealsdistant bass rolling snake walk rolling snake walksituationsbaitfishactivelypursuedrainy seasonsummer rod workfaster rhythmroll skating appealsunique rollingcompletelyactiontwistscutsmeanders splash uprightpin spotsreeds standing treessteep rockssplash uprightshort moving distance greatly increasesbite chancesweet splashmakessoundpeckingsurfacelow pitched sound emittedshakingirritatelurking tightinvite bites bouncing actionweed bedextendsultra shallow lurebouncing actionproduces amazing catchesline tensionneckshakeaddfine continuous twitchpowerful water pushing actionbumpy soundvertical movementgivepose occasionallyshiftjolting sound makingcreateunique effecttired frogdying baitfishresting water push dead slow retrieverecommend dead slow retrieveappealsundertowspooked bassginkria lakewaryflashy actionssoundsretrieveslowlymovingweight insidehead pusheswater forwardnarrow tail createssharp undertowsecret methodhot topicland anglersaimbig bass switchneutral busscenesestablishedbluegilllake biwamain baitintroducemethodgils roaminggilfloatingwater skatecast radscalesendvicinitygil area pausewaitgathercuriosityjerk surprisedmovement gil scatterspanic bass attacksleftadditionflockingdorsal fins exposedbuzzbait patternscattersexciting attacksunexpected patternworkscuriousluressmall bassgillreal large mouthcolorfeel good high temperature cautiondirect sunlightcarhigh temperature locationtackle boxfishingexpansionair chamber duedifferencetemperaturedeformation cracksdamagesummertemperature risescarefulstoringplugnoteguaranteedamage dueneglectposted imageslightlyactual product dependingshooting environmentcomputermobile phone carrierviewing
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