REAL EFFECT ATTRACTOR Prop jig arms are special parts that give rotational vibration and flushing just by setting them mainly on no-sinker rigs and jig head rigs. The depth prop, which rotates with good response even in dead slow retrieve, appeals reliably with shad click sound and micro-vibration as well as flashing flashing, and has the magical power to switch to the predation mode of tough bass that could not be caught with conventional approaches. I'm here. The prop jig arm, which can be freely combined with anything, is a new rig that overcomes severe situations where there is no other way to deal with it. It should be useful as PROPJIG ARM JAN code: 4544565250501 2/pac ¥495 (tax excluded ¥450) 2011.1 release. End of production April 1, 2022 EASY EXCHANGE The connection with the rig adopts a snap shape that can be replaced immediately. Depending on the situation, it is easy to change to an offset hook or jig head to enhance the ability to adjust to the field. Uses highly elastic Φ0.9mm Hercules wire. ORIGINAL PROP size S The original setting with offset balance that shifts the center axis not only generates a unique metallic sound and tight vibration similar to shad click, but also produces flushing and stirring water flow. The rear beads are fixed by soldering to ensure reliable rotation. SLOW RETRIEVE The depth prop that rotates reliably even with slow retrieve generates a tight vibe that vibrates the body of the soft bait in addition to the shad click sound and flashing to induce a bite. As one of the few rigs that can switch on the predation of spooked slebas, it demonstrates its power even in low water temperature periods and high pressure fields. SETTING VARIATION In addition to weight selection based on attack range and retrieve speed, proper use of jig heads and offset hooks depending on the presence or absence of weeds and structures, various settings are possible depending on the shape of the soft bait used. It boasts infinite responsiveness that can flexibly respond to bus activity and field conditions. UNDERHANDED TRICK Prop jig arms are mainly developed for setting with soft baits, but they are also extremely effective in combination with rubber jigs and hard lures. Please try various combinations according to the field and situation. Please note that due to the structure of the wire bait, if you repeatedly pull out or hang fish, or repeatedly deform or modify the bait, the arm may be overloaded and may be damaged such as deformation or breakage. The color of the posted image may look slightly different from the actual product depending on the shooting environment and the computer or mobile phone carrier you are viewing. Please note.

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real effect attractor prop jig armsspecial partsgive rotational vibrationflushingsettingsinker rigsjig head rigsdepth proprotatesgood responsedead slow retrieve appeals reliablyshad click soundmicro vibrationflashing flashingmagical powerswitchpredation modetough basscaughtconventional approachesprop jig armfreely combinedrigovercomes severe situationsdealpropjig arm jan code pac tax excluded release endproduction april easy exchangeconnectionrig adoptssnap shapereplaced immediately dependingsituationeasychangeoffset hookjig headenhanceabilityadjustfieldhighly elastic mm hercules wire original prop sizeoriginal settingoffset balanceshiftscenter axisgeneratesunique metallic soundtight vibration similarshad clickproduces flushingstirring water flowrear beadsfixedsolderingensure reliable rotation slow retrieverotates reliablyslow retrieve generatestight vibevibratesbodysoft baitadditionflashinginducebiterigspredationspooked slebasdemonstratespowerlow water temperature periodshigh pressure fields setting variationweight selection basedattack rangeretrieve speed properjig headsoffset hooks dependingpresenceabsenceweedsstructuressettingsdependingshapeboasts infinite responsivenessflexibly respondbus activityfield conditions underhanded trick prop jig armsdevelopedsoft baitsextremely effectivecombinationrubber jigshard lurescombinationsnoteduestructurewire baitrepeatedly pullhang fishrepeatedly deformmodifybaitarmoverloadeddamageddeformationbreakagecolorposted imageslightlyactual product dependingshooting environmentcomputermobile phone carrierviewing
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