Weak wave, soft sound concept. The Silent Killer is a deadly trout bait imitating bait and a “silent killer” created by a completely new manufacturing method, which is different from all other big baits. The body is covered with a subliminated material that includes a hollow core made of ABS resin and a realistic soft shell. This big bait has a unique soft sound and soft vibration and texture that is as close to the real thing as possible. It can be fished along the surface, deadsticked or even with a cranking retrieve. new SILENTKILLER 175 LENGTH: 175mm WEIGHT: 2.5oz TYPE: FLOATING new SILENTKILLER 175 TYPE-D LENGTH: 175mm WEIGHT: 2.8oz TYPE: SLOW FLOATING new SILENTKILLER 145 LENGTH: 145mm WEIGHT: 1.6oz TYPE: FLOATING ABS CORE BODY The ABS hollow-core body allows for crisp and sharp gliding action and allows the bait to feature a micro spring weight inside of the bait for added appeal. The weight is added outside of the front core and lets you easily tune the lure and adjust the weight by removing the soft shell. SPRING WEIGHT MICRO VIBE SYSTEM The spring weight system is mounted on the head and produces micro-vibrations each time the weight is shaken. This helps to trigger bites with a knocking sound that is created when the lure is retrieved. POLYCARBONATE LIP The wide polycarbonate lip is very strong and the coffin shape helps to avoid snags. It will dive like a crankbait and create a powerful vibration. HOOK (175: # 1/145: # 3) The hooks have a smooth surface for better hook presentation. This hook was carefully selected because of the size of the bass that bite this lure and the tin color helps to camouflage the hook against the belly of the bait. For added attraction, you can replace the stock hooks with feathered trebles to give it a more natural look, especially in current. JOINT ACTION The dampening effect provided by the outer soft shell suppresses unnatural noise from the joints during the retrieve, and creates a smooth and natural action. WATER THROUGH DUCT The duct between the core body and soft shell captures the water flow inside the body during the retrieve and discharges the water at the joint creating a natural swimming look. SURFACE RETRIEVE The bait can be retrieved on the surface and create the appearance of a large baitfish struggling on the top of the water. The wide lip avoids snags from floating debris while also pulling fish from cover. SUBSURFACE RETRIEVE The subsurface retrieve is similar to a crankbait. It can be highly effective in rough water conditions when it is hard to attract fish to the surface. DEAD STICKING In addition to the realistic details and the natural flicker of the feathered hook, dead sticking is a way to fool big bass that do not react to other retrieves. CAUTION High-temperature caution Take caution to where you store your baits as they can become deformed or cracked due to the expansion of the air during high temperatures. Keep them out of direct sunlight and in hot places like the inside of vehicles or tackle boxes stored during the warmer months as we are not responsible for damages caused due to storing lures in high temperatures. Storage Tips: Make it a habit to keep in the original case to protect the bait. Do not store with other hard or soft lures as that may cause deformation and melting. Dry completely after use. The drain hole is located in the tail section and draining all water is recommended between uses.

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Additional details
weak wave soft sound conceptsilent killerdeadly trout bait imitating baitsilent killer createdcompletelymanufacturing methodbig baitsbodycoveredsubliminated materialincludeshollow core madeabs resinrealistic soft shellbig baitunique soft soundsoft vibrationtextureclosereal thingfishedsurface deadstickedcranking retrievesilentkiller length mm weight oz type floatingsilentkiller typelength mm weight oz type slow floatingsilentkiller length mm weight oz type floating abs core bodyabs hollow core bodycrispsharp gliding actionbaitfeaturemicro spring weight insideadded appealweightaddedfront coreletseasily tunelureadjustremovingsoft shell spring weight micro vibe systemspring weight systemmountedheadproduces micro vibrationstimeshakenhelpstrigger bitesknocking soundcreatedretrieved polycarbonate lipwide polycarbonate lipstrongcoffin shape helpsavoid snagsdivecrankbaitcreatepowerful vibration hookhookssmooth surfacehook presentationhookcarefully selectedsizebassbitetin color helpscamouflagebellyadded attractionreplacestock hooksfeathered treblesgivenaturalcurrent joint actiondampening effect providedouter soft shell suppresses unnatural noisejointsretrievecreatessmoothnatural action waterductcore bodysoft shell captureswater flow insidedischargeswaterjoint creatingnatural swimmingsurface retrieveretrievedsurfaceappearancelarge baitfish strugglingtopwide lip avoids snagsfloating debrispulling fishcover subsurface retrievesubsurface retrievesimilarhighly effectiverough water conditionshardattract fishsurface dead stickingadditionrealistic detailsnatural flickerfeathered hook dead stickingfool big bassreactretrieves caution high temperature cautioncautionstorebaitsdeformedcracked dueexpansionairhigh temperaturesdirect sunlighthot placesinsidevehiclestackle boxes storedwarmer monthsresponsibledamages caused duestoring lureshigh temperatures storage tips makehabitoriginal caseprotectsoft luresdeformationmelting dry completelydrain holelocatedtail sectiondrainingrecommended
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