Money Shad

Fish 30acre
Introducing what very well could be the most realistic fishing lure ever created. A bold statement, for sure, but when looking over every characteristic of the Money Shad, it’s hard to deny. Each aspect of the design was aimed at giving the fisherman the most hyper-realistic fishing lure imaginable. Scroll down for more details… 6 inch model: First and foremost, the profile of the 6 inch Money Shad is exact to a full-grown Threadfin Shad or Blueback Herring; a long, narrow body. On top of the realistic profile, the scale, gill, and fin details are impeccable. This creates a clean and uniform skin across the body that allows our taxidermy paint details to really stand out. When inspecting the details, you will notice that each and every scale has its own color and shine, allowing light to reflect and refract individually on the lure. With its double jointed, 3 segmented body, the 6 inch Money Shad has an aggressive thumping action, more so than other multi-jointed swimbaits. The elongated front segment creates a looser wobble and heavier back and forth as you crank it in. Reel it slow, and it will have a looser wobble. Give it speed, and the swim will get tighter, much like a fleeing baitfish. The sink rate is what we consider moderate, and has the ability to be fished fast or slow, erratic, or constant. 8 inch model: The larger Money Shad was designed with one thing in mind; look like a Gizzard Shad. This is the second generation of this model, advancing on every aspect of the original. The action is better. The look is better. The paint is better. The construction is better. Essentially, what you have is a complete revamp of the original design. The 8 inch model is slow sink, and has a more lethargic action than its little brother. You can expect a bait that will hover in place longer, slightly nose down, with slower left or right head pushes you can manipulate with reel cranks. Added reel thrusts create a more erratic action, if so desired.
6 Inch8 Inch

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