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- Keywords
- cover strategy swimming jigmatsurabadevelopedaimcapturing obstaclesswimming jigobstacle avoidance abilitysupportscover capturesweeds reedsbusheshigh levelhead weightoffsetscentergravity positionrearlight touchcovercone shapehigh slipping performancegreatly reduces stacksshowsstress free swimming actionsuitablebassleadpart time jobgivingsensediscomfort matsuraba head weight oz oz oz oz oz release head weight balanceweight balance setrear centergravityhigh obstacle avoidance abilityeasily avoids obstaclesinterfere enabling stress free cover captureadditiongravity improves castabilityrespondsskippingstraightline eyebottomheadunevenness greatly reducesstackcontactsobstaclecuphead actsresistanceconveyspulling feelinghandfactorsshiftsgravity concentratedreducingweightlower partcontact forceobstacleslightened contributinghigh obstacle avoidance ability hook guardthick hooksupports cover fishingpeacemindfighting big bass oz oz oz oz oz tuningbrush guardsinterferehookinggreatly reduce stackingswimstressadjustingnumberweight skirtfine silicon skirttiedswaysswimming action stimulatesirregular actionsloses balancecontact
- Category
- Jigs - Reel in the big catch with these versatile jigs.
- Item 000596
- Updated
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