Price and availability are subject to change.
Proudly Made in the U.S.A.
The Limited Edition Big Bass Measuring Board made up of 7 ply Canadian maple that is slow pressed in a custom mold creating concave to cradle those giant bass. Each board is individually shaped, printed and sealed with a water resistant coating to increase durability and life. Color of boards will vary from board to board because each board has a truly unique wood grain pattern and the dyes adhere to the grain differently per piece.
The new detailed scale is in both inches and centimeters for universal use. The back now bares the Working Class Zero Tradition Script logo, bigly.
- 8" x 34"
*This is a custom item that requires a very large box to ship. Shipping charges are included in purchase price for Domestic customers. International shipping charges will vary as each shipping charge will be greatly increased because of package weight and dimensions. All Measuring boards ship USPS Priority Mail.
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Item NameLimited Edition Big Bass Board (WOOD)
Tackle MakerWorking Class Zero
DescriptionProudly Made in the U.S.A.
The Limited Edition Big Bass Measuring Board made up of 7 ply Canadian maple that is slow pressed in a custom mold creating concave to cradle those giant bass. Each board is individually shaped, printed and seale...
Keywordsproudly madelimited edition big bass measuring board madeply canadian mapleslow pressedcustom mold creating concavecradlegiant bassboardindividually shaped printedsealedwater resistant coatingincrease durabilitylife colorboardsvaryunique wood grain patterndyes adheregrain differentlypiecedetailed scaleinchescentimetersuniversalbackbaresworking classtradition script logo biglycustom itemrequireslarge boxship shipping chargesincludedpurchase pricedomestic customers international shipping chargesshipping chargegreatly increasedpackage weightdimensionsmeasuring boards ship usps priority mail
Media Files5
CategoryAccessories - Get everything you need for a successful fishing trip with these accessories.
Item ID000179
AddedFebruary 12, 2023
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