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- Keywords
- round type power game jig contour jigfocusedpracticalitymodern rubber jigcombinesstrengthstypejigmashespower game specificationscover shootingswimming kontour jig head weight oz oz oz oz release headtriangular head shapelow centergravity stabilizesswimming postureprevents rollingbottomprevents unnecessary stacking guardsettinginterferehookingattentionclearancehook point hookoriginal hook design designedryugicontour jig smooth hookingachievedapplyingtc coattough wire diameterwithstandcover gameheavy tackleinteractionbig bassdrag full lockadditionobtuse angled hook point designdesignedfocusrock areasinteractingbig bass double trailer hold wireshiftingtoptrailerlongercontinueholdreliable holding power skirtsilicone skirtthickerturnlottension continueswaterpushedwater pressureswimmingfallingvolumeimprovedstructuremounting partflares greatly
- Category
- Jigs - Reel in the big catch with these versatile jigs.
- Item 000595
- Updated
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