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All-round type power game jig. "Contour Jig", which is thoroughly focused on practicality, is a modern rubber jig that combines the strengths of each type of jig and mashes it up to power game specifications from cover shooting to swimming. KONTOUR JIG HEAD WEIGHT: 1/4oz, 3/8oz, 1/2oz, 5/8oz 2017.6 release. HEAD The triangular head shape with a low center of gravity stabilizes the swimming posture and prevents rolling at the bottom and prevents unnecessary stacking. GUARD A setting that does not interfere with hooking with thorough attention to clearance with the hook point. HOOK An original hook design designed by Ryugi for "Contour Jig". Smooth hooking is achieved by applying a TC coat to a tough wire diameter that can withstand the cover game with heavy tackle and interaction with big bass in drag full lock. In addition, the obtuse-angled hook point design is designed with a focus on practicality, even when used in rock areas or after interacting with big bass. DOUBLE TRAILER HOLD WIRE By shifting the top and bottom of the trailer and setting it longer, the trailer will continue to hold with more reliable holding power. SKIRT The silicone skirt, which is thicker than one turn and has a lot of tension, continues to hold the water without being pushed by the water pressure when swimming or falling. In addition, the volume is also improved by the structure of the mounting part that flares greatly.
Color Options
#01 Blue Black
#02scale watermelon
#03 Pumpkin Purple
#06 Biwako Special
#05 Black/Blue Flake
#04 Scum Perch
#09 Dead Grass
#08 Black/Scapanon
#07 Bluegill

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