Air magic that breathes life into it. "Kinku", synonymous with straight worms that break down tough conditions, has been redesigned with air. Air holes embedded in the entire body bring flexibility and buoyancy, and the appearance of falling down while swaying after landing from the fall stimulates the side line of the tough bass, and it becomes an action that leads to a bite without endurance. The fine ribs on the body are entangled in the water flow, and the kinku shape, where the long knife-edge tail flutters tightly and generates micro-vibrations, has been inherited for sublimation. With its high versatility that can be used for fall, weed capture with jig head rigs and no sinker rigs, and mid-layer capture with jig head wacky, it will continue to produce many achievements. KINCOO AIR 7.8 inch (6/pac) 5.8 inch (6/pac) 4.8 inch (8/pac) 2019.12 release. BODY The fine ribs on the body show a unique presence by getting tangled in the water even with a slight action. In addition, the long knife-edge tail flutters, and the slender bass shows interest and generates micro vibrations that lead to bites. The body shape makes it easy to know where to set the shrinkable tube and special tube for Neko Rig setting. In addition, it has been renewed to a head shape that is difficult to damage even if a jig head or nail sinker is embedded. MATERIAL Crustacean ingredients produced by pulverizing crustaceans such as shrimp and crayfish, which are most preferred by bass, are ultra-soft materials with high tensile strength and good needle retention (7.8inch = 15% salt content, 5.8・4.8inch = Salt content 20%), and the taste and smell that strongly stimulates the bass enhances the high fish gathering effect and chewing time, and brings it firmly into the hooking. AIR HOLE The air holes embedded in the entire body bring about spontaneous action by emitting bubbles with water pressure, leading the bass to bite with an unprecedented sense of vitality. In addition, the realistic texture when you put it in your mouth will trigger a deeper bite in tough conditions. ACTION In falling with a jig head or Texas rig, the ribs are intricately entwined with the water flow, creating a gentle spiral fall, and the fine vibrations generated by the knife edge tail lead to the bite. This falling action is especially effective for suspended bass from summer to autumn. Moderate tension and thick body moves water powerfully with wacky setting, and invites reaction bites with torqueful restoring force. In addition, the knife-edge tail creates a unique sway even during long poses with no action, and it is a method that plays an active role as a trump card under tough conditions. The color of the posted image may look slightly different from the actual product depending on the shooting environment and the computer or mobile phone carrier you are viewing. Please note. Even if the recommended hooks are the same size, the hook dimensions differ depending on the hook manufacturer, so please select according to the size and shape of the worm.
7.8 inch (6/pac)5.8 inch (6/pac)4.8 inch (8/pac)

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Additional details
air magicbreathes lifekinku synonymousstraight wormsbreaktough conditionsredesignedair air holes embeddedentire body bring flexibilitybuoyancyappearancefallingswayinglandingfall stimulatesside linetough bassactionleadsbiteendurancefine ribsbodyentangledwater flowkinku shapelong knife edge tail flutters tightlygenerates micro vibrationsinheritedsublimationhigh versatilityfall weed capturejig head rigssinker rigsmid layer capturejig head wackycontinueproduceachievements kincoo air inch pac inch pac inch pac release bodybody showunique presencetangledwaterslight actionadditionlong knife edge tail fluttersslender bass shows interestleadbitesbody shape makeseasysetshrinkable tubespecial tubeneko rig settingrenewedhead shapedifficultdamagejig headnail sinkerembedded material crustacean ingredients producedpulverizing crustaceansshrimpcrayfishpreferredbassultra soft materialshigh tensile strengthgood needle retention inch salt content inch salt contenttastesmellstrongly stimulatesbass enhanceshigh fish gathering effectchewing timebringsfirmlyhooking air holeair holes embeddedentire body bringspontaneous actionemitting bubbleswater pressure leadingunprecedented sensevitalityrealistic textureputmouthtriggerdeeper bitetough conditions actiontexas rigribsintricately entwinedwater flow creatinggentle spiral fallfine vibrations generatedknife edge tail leadfalling actioneffectivesuspended basssummerautumn moderate tensionthick body moves water powerfullywacky settinginvites reaction bitestorqueful restoring forceknife edge tail createsunique swaylong posesmethodplaysactive roletrump cardcolorposted imageslightlyactual product dependingshooting environmentcomputermobile phone carrierviewingnoterecommended hookssizehook dimensions differ dependinghook manufacturerselectshapeworm
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